unit 6 the department of social services human resources

Unit 6: Assignment Utilizing your Final’s organization, complete the following Assignment in a 2-3 page paper (according to ‘Paper Submissions’ found within the Online Communication Guidelines within Course Resources): ï‚· Design a proposal for a pay-for-performance plan for your organization. ï‚· In your proposal, explain your rationale for the plan and how it would support the objectives of the organization. ï‚· Discuss the important incentives of your plan. Be specific. ï‚· Explain the advantages the plan would provide to the company. ï‚· Use at least two credible or scholarly research articles (not to exceed 20% of content)to support your thoughts.Assignment Checklist: 1. Report pay-for-performance issues 2. Construct pay-for-performance plan overview 3. Formulate rationale for pay-for-performance plan 4. Justify incentives of this pay-for-performance plan

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