philosophy writing 4

Read Beauvior’s article and answer the question: Choose one question to answer from the four!!!!

Word count: 350

!!!!!* Include at least one quotation from the reading that is accompanied by the page number and a brief explanation of the quotation


1.Sartre argues that human beings are condemned to be free. That is, although they didn’t choose to be

born, human beings find themselves in a world where they are radically free and responsible for all that

they do. If this is the case — if it is the case that we had no choice in our being free — then are we really

free? Is freedom free if it isn’t up to us?


Explain Sartre’s concept of responsibility. Why does he think humans do not only act for themselves but

for all humans? Think about one action/decision you’ve made recently. How does it affect you

personally? How is your action also a reflection of what you think humans should be/are or affect the

lives of other humans who you may not even know?


Why does Sartre use language like despair, anguish, abandonment, and condemnation to describe the

feelings one might have as an existentialist while also saying that existentialism is an optimistic


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