explode and write essay

Read the Chapter “Or Does It Explode



Essay: Or Does it Explode?

Submit Assignment

  • Due Jul 15 by 11:59pm
  • Points 8
  • Submitting a text entry box

Essay Guidelines

Copy and paste the numbered questions into a word processing program and address each question in a full paragraph, 5-7 sentences. You can exceed the number of paragraphs per question but don’t write half page paragraphs! Your paper should be 1-1/2 pages long for credit. If you settle for the minimum expect a C.

1. What was the main theme or purpose of the readings? What problems or concerns were identified?

2. How do the Additional Sources support the chapter?

3. What were the interactions between “the powerful” and “the people?” What choices did “the people” have in response to “the powerful?” How did “the people” respond to these problems?

4. How are the problems identified in the reading similar to problems encountered by “the people” today? What actions can you take to address or solve these problems today? This is where you solve modern problems using history as a model. If you state “It can’t be solved” expect an F for the assignment!

Some Modules don’t have Additional Sources so if you don’t see any put No Additional Sources for the question.

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