ecommerce 1

In 1300 words, answer the following questions with three scholarly sources using the attached information.

1. In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented in the case.

2. Prepare a report for (companies on attached Document) executive team in which you outline and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each content delivery system you have identified. Your report should conclude with a specific recommendation regarding the suitability of each content delivery system for PFI’s games.

3. Evaluate and recommend likely revenue modules PFI might consider for selling online access to PFI’s games to smart phone users.

4. Use your favorite search engine and learn more about Android, Apple, DoCoMo, Palm, and similar content delivery systems for smart phones. Prepare an executive summary for Yash that describes each delivery system you identify and outlines the current or likely near- term availability of each system for content providers such as PFI.

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