discussion board 407

Q1. Which contingency leadership theory do you believe is the best, why?

Q2. Do you believe that most managers use influencing (power, politics, networking, and negotiating) for the good of the organization, or for their own personal benefit? What can be done to help managers be more ethical in influencing others?

Q3. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some member(s) of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of favoritism?

Q4. How can virtual teams work well together when the team members are spread far apart?

Discussion Participation Instructions

  • When you are the first to contribute to the discussion, you will see only the + Respond link
  • If others have posted, you will see their comments, along with the + Respond link
  • If there is more than one topic for discussion, the first topic is displayed.
  • To select a different topic, click on the corresponding link in the Topics list.
  • The + Respond link – as well as any responses – will be displayed at the bottom of the page
  • If you do not see the + Respond link, or any responses, you may need to scroll down the page

I need seperate files for each of the question with references


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