digital dashboard assignment

Section 1 – 500-700 words (50%)

Decide on the organization you want examine; it can be the organization you’re studying for your Communication Assessment Project or simply an organization you’re interested in. Select two of these three channels: Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Insert screen captures of these channels (using the printscreen function or the snipping tool).

Then review the metrics displayed in socialbakers. What patterns or trends do you think are strong indicators of the performance of the two social channels you have selected? Include 3-4 screen captures to illustrate these patterns or trends and be sure to provide some interpretation of what you observe. Also compare and contrast the performance of the two channels.

Section – 500 words (30%)

Assume that you are the digital media manager for an organization, overseeing the performance of several social channels. How would you make a case to the VP of Marketing and Customer Engagement for subscribing to a digital dashboard service like socialbakers? Highlight three benefits.

Writing quality, research, organization, documentation (20%)

You should reference course readings and other sources for this assignment. Be sure to properly document in-text references and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.

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