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I Should Hire You: Elevator Speech Presentation

Watch The Elevator Pitch video about creating an elevator speech, and design a one-minute sales pitch tailored toward your chosen career path. It is recommended that you also review the How to Craft an Effective Elevator Speechonline resource. Consider the person in your field whom you would most like the opportunity to speak with, and keep this person in mind throughout the process.

In your pitch, specifically discuss your areas of expertise in learning and cognition and how they could be applied to benefit the organization or industry and your future success is this field. Briefly explain any theoretical perspectives that apply to these areas. Record your 30-second to one-minute video presentation utilizing the Canvas recording tool, or using any recording software of your choice. (Quick-start guides for Screencast-O-Matic and YouTube are provided for your convenience should you decide to use these.) It is recommended that you create a script or, at minimum, a list of talking points prior to creating your recording. For an explanation of steps to follow when creating an elevator speech, read the PSY620: Preparing Your Elevator Speech document.

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