Appraising Qualitative Research

Select one of the eight practice problems that burden the overall health of the United States. Conduct a library search for one qualitative research study addressing this problem. Appraise the qualitative research study using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool.For Me The Problem is OBESITY.After appraising and determining the Level of Evidence and Grade of Quality for your selected qualitative study summarize your findings. Transfer your findings to theJohns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool.Complete each column including specific details about the qualitative study.Include your completedJohns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tooland your qualitative research study as an attachment with your initial post. Also, include apermalink for your selected qualitative research study with your initial discussion post. Confirm the link allows access to the full-text study article. Our faculty team will review both your research study and Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool and provide guidance.Analyze the evidence summary of the selected qualitative research study to address the following.1-Does the research design answer the research question? Explain your rationale.2-Were the study sample participants representative? Why or why not?3-Compare and contrast the study limitations in this study.4-Based on this evidence summary, would you consider this qualitative research study as support for your selected practice problem? Explain your rationale.Answer each questions separated.I attached an example of thepermalink for your selected qualitative research study with your initial discussion postand I attached Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool Template to be completed.Some tips for completing the Johns Hopkins Evidence Summary Tool include:in column #2 insert the selected research study in APA format;in Column #3 state the specific type of qualitative research design used (in week 1 you want to state whether this qualitative research study is grounded theory, phenomenology, descriptive, etc.);describe in detail the sample and study findings in the appropriate columns, andin the last column please insert both the level of evidence and grade of evidence.-Articles selected for appraisal in this course must be current – within the past five years.-When you are ready to upload your initial post, please upload your completed Johns Hopkins Evidence Summary Tool along with a permalink to your two selected qualitative research studies.-A permalink is a full URL. If a permalink is not familiar to you here is a link to a tip sheet in Chamberlain’s Library: (Links to an external site.)The other option is to upload your qualitative research study as a PDF. I will carefully read each of your studies along with reviewing your complete Johns Hopkins Evidence Summary Tool.You can use these References:References1-Fleury, MJ., Grenier, G., Farand, L. et al. (2019). Use of emergency rooms for mental health reasons in Quebec: Barriers and facilitators. Adm Policy Ment Health 46, 18–33. (Links to an external site.)2-Lützén, K. (2017). The value of qualitative methods in prioritized healthcare research. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research (Links to an external site.), 37(4), 175-176. DOI:10.1177/20571585177454743-Perry, A., Lawrence, V., and Henderson, C. (2020). Stigmatisation of those with mental health conditions in the acute general hospital setting. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 255.

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