
THIS IS A GRADUATE NURSE PRATRITIONER PROGRAM.  REPORT MUST BE OF GRADUATE LEVEL AND STANDARD WITH APPROPRIATE REFERENCE WITHIN 5 YEARS AND 7TH EDITION APA STYLE.  MINIMUM OF 300 WORDS WITH AT LEAST 2 PEER REVIEW REFERENCEReview the course objectives and consider how you can develop the specified skills and competencies while applying clinical practice guidelines as an AGACNP providing patient care and creating appropriate patient-centered care plans. List three to five clinical objectives and write a 250-word summary of your plan to incorporate the course objectives and clinical practice guidelines for your clinical experience. Include discussion of what you hope to achieveThe overall course objectives for this course are as follows:Utilize evidence-based theory and research to treat adult-geriatric patients experiencing acute illnesses and rapidly changing conditions.Synthesize data from a variety of health resources to treat adult-geriatric patients.Analyze common acute care problems to develop prioritized differential diagnoses, make clinical judgments, and recommend appropriate treatments for adult-geriatric patients with acute illnesses and rapidly changing conditions.Demonstrate clinical decision-making skills in advanced health assessment, clinical diagnosis, procedural skill acquisition, and care management of acute adult-geriatric patients.Explain the physiological and psychosocial impact of acute illness on patients, family, and the community.

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