Create a descriptive statistics table and histogram for selected variables in a dataset.

Assessment#1Create a descriptive statistics table and histogram for selected variables in a dataset. Write a 2–3-page narrative summary in a Word document and insert the table and histogram graphic into this document.PreparationDownload theAssessment 1 Dataset [XLSX].The dataset contains the following variables:utilization (average number of patient days per month).satisfaction (patient satisfaction scores percentile rank).readmissions (readmission rate per month).InstructionsNursing home administration has the objectives of higher utilization, higher patient satisfaction, and lower readmissions, and they need to make a decision on whether to retain the department manager based on average performance over the past 70 months. For this assessment, create a descriptive statistics table and histogram based on the Assessment 1 Dataset. Write a narrative summary in a Word and insert the table and histogram graphic into this document. SeeCopy From Excel to Another Office Programfor instructions. Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the descriptive statistics output.

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