Bipolar disorder

RUA: Mental Health Group PresentationPurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to review and apply evidence-based practices to mental health, and develop skills in presenting information to a patient, family, community and/or peers regarding mental health topics, medications, research findings, treatment options, etc.Course OutcomesThis assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychopathology and mental health principles when caring for individuals, families, and groups in acute care and community mental health settings. (PO #1).2. Utilize research findings as a basis for the development of a group leadership experience. (PO #8)3. Utilize critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making and implementation of the nursing process for psychiatric/mental health clients. (PO #4)Due DatePresent as a group week 8, refer to course calendar for details.Total Points PossibleEach group member will receive the same grade. However, if you are absent the day of your presentation you will lose 50% of the group score.Requirements1. Students will work in groups of 3-5 members and submit names by the end of week 2.2. Choose a mental health topic. Some examples are Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Schizophrenia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Legal and Ethical Issues, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, etc. Please have your topic approved by your professor before starting the project. Approval of topics are based on order of submission, and no duplicate topics will be allowed.3. Select a scholarly nursing article related to mental health nursing, which includes content related to evidence-based practice. (See page 4 for scholarly article requirements). Ensure that no other member of your group chooses the same article. Submit a hard copy of article by end of week 4.4. Your group will present the findings of each article. The presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes. Each group member must present part of the presentation. If an individual did not participate in the development of the presentation or delivery of the presentation, the student will receive a zero for the project. (See page 4 for link on effective presentations).5. Use the following criteria to create your presentation:a. Brief introduction of the topic and explain why it is important to mental health nursing.b. Summarize the article; include key points of the article.c. Discuss how you could use the information for your practice in caring for patients; give specific examples.d. Conclusion slide to synthesize overall findings related to mental health nursing.The project grade will based on the following rubric for the presentation.

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