Quantitative Analysis For Management

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Quantitative Analysis For Management ELEVENTH EDITION

Write a culminating quantitative research report on the concepts and topics that you learned in this course. For this paper, you need to critique two or more research papers/journals that use quantitative research methods for business. Using the book Quantitative analysis for management. At least 8 pages no to include title page and reference page.

Your paper needs to include the following items:

1. An abstract


2. A Scale of Data Measurement


o      Was it quantitative or qualitative?


o      Describe how did the researcher collect the data?


3. Variations within the data


o      Include the implications this may have for business methods.


4. Concluding results


§       Critique the findings.


o      What type of errors occurred in the research that may affect the outcome of the data?


o      Is there any missing information that should be included?

o      Discuss how you would approach the research and what type of questions you may ask.

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