HRM In Real Word

BUSA 206 – Individual Assignment

Student Name:

Criteria* Grade and feedback Description of HRM Challenge (7 marks)

• Clearly describes an HRM challenge set in a real life context • Expresses whether the challenge is from your own experience OR

secondary sources o If using secondary sources, the sources used are appropriate

and articulate a specific challenge o If using own experience, your position in the context of the

issue is explained


Application of course concept, model or theory (10 marks) • Selects and accurately explains a relevant concept, model or theory

from textbook • Clearly explains why the chosen model/theory is relevant to the

challenge described above • Evidence of critical thinking skills related to assessing “fit” between

concept/model/theory and specifics of challenge identified • Evidence of critical thinking skills related to arguments for overlap or

gaps between theory and practice (i.e. real life situation described)


Organization and writing (3 marks) • Paper is clearly written, well organized and flows well • No grammar and spelling errors • Not too long or too short (i.e. between 800-1200 words) • APA format for citations and references • Formatted consistent with School of Business standards


Total (out of 20 marks) /20 * “Organization and Writing” is an independent grading criterion but is relevant to the paper’s ability to convey ideas in each area described in this rubric. Therefore, poor writing, errors, typos and formatting issues could result in lost grades in multiple areas of the rubric (e.g., “Organization and Writing” and “Description of Management Challenge”).

Key: ✔: Criteria was satisfied ~: Criteria was only partially satisfied ✗: Criteria was not satisfied

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