HRM/498T: Strategic Human Resource Management And Emerging Issues

 The mangers at ABC Corporation decide the company needs a more diverse workforce, so they actively recruit segments of the population that are underrepresented in their organization. As their workforce becomes more diverse, they find that the new employees are struggling to integrate into the organization, conflict has increased, overall employee morale has declined, and company performance has suffered. Which of the following is most likely the cause of the problems with the diversity initiative at ABC Corporation?

· The company is seeking diversity for diversity’s sake, with no regard for inclusion.

· The diverse workforce is less productive because it is difficult to get everyone on the same page.

· The new employees are selected based on personal characteristics rather than qualifications.

· The company is using the wrong metrics to evaluate the success of their diversity initiative.


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Which of the following actions may be moral from a teleological point of view but not necessarily from a deontological point of view?

· A mother gently tells her son that he needs to vacuum in straight lines rather than in a haphazard manner in order to ensure that the floors would be clean.

· A city with many impoverished families increases taxes significantly in order to improve education by building a new elementary school and hiring qualified teachers.

· An employee at a coffee shop claims that her religious beliefs prevent her from working on Sundays in order to get extra time off.

· A business executive confesses to committing fraud five years ago even though it passed unnoticed in order to clear his conscience.


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What is the foundation for evaluating the morality of human resources activities in an organization?

· The end results or consequences of human resource plans and policies from the perspective of employees

· The degree to which employees are treated equally regardless of race, gender, religion, age, and disability

· The value of employee contributions in relation to the rewards that the employer provides for those contributions

· The expectations of the employees and employer involved in a voluntary employment exchange


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Which of the following best describes the inducements-contribution balance?

· The knowledge, skills, abilities, and effort an employee brings to the workplace should be matched with appropriate compensation.

· The wages and benefits given to an employee should be greater than equal to the employee’s current skills to motivate the employee to work harder.

· The employer should entice job applicants to work for the company by promising contributions to a retirement plan and other benefits.

· The compensation provided to employees should benchmark the compensation given to other companies in the industry to remain competitive.


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Which of the following would most likely be considered an invasion of privacy in the workplace?

· Monitoring an employee’s emails sent to a friend through a company email account

· Recording all telephone calls made by a sales representative at work

· Video recording manufacturing employees on the assembly line

· Requiring job applicants for a customer service position to state their medical history


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Which of the following situations most clearly involves a conflict of interest?

· A business executive invests company funds in her brother’s start-up company.

· An employee promises a full refund to a customer who is unhappy with his purchase even though the item was final sale.

· A manufacturing employee who dreams of becoming a published author uses his lunch hour to work on a novel.

· A sales representative uses a company credit card to pay for her meals when she is on a business trip.


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What is an effective way for companies to prevent conflicts of interest in the workplace?

· Monitor employees extensively through recording phone calls, reviewing emails, and taking videos of workstations

· Develop an effect disclosure policy and require employees to read and sign a disclosure statement

· Promise raises for employees who have demonstrated integrity in the workplace

· Enforce sizable rewards and punishments that are directly tied to performance measures


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In which of the following situations would giving or accepting a gift be immoral?

· Providing free textbooks to an underfunded university with many struggling students

· Treating a potential client to a round of golf and a new set of golf clubs while discussing a business deal

· Offering a free sample of expensive makeup to a customer to entice her to buy the product

· Consuming refreshments offered by a vendor at a business conference


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Which of the following ethical practices or policies exerts the strongest influence on ethical conduct in the workplace?

· Evaluating budgets, resource allocation, and pay incentives periodically

· Maintaining a solid system of internal financial controls

· Instituting an annual ethics audit to examine potential conflicts of interest

· Creating a company culture of integrity modeled by top leaders


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Which of the following is a potential negative consequence of diversity programs?

· The workforce may become less representative of the community as a whole due to increased hiring of women and minorities.

· Some employees may infer that women and minorities are less qualified and were only hired due to their gender or race, resulting in feelings of exclusion.

· It may be difficult to hire and retain employees for certain positions in a company due to a decreased amount of resources for employee training and development.

· They may perpetuate the same ways of thinking and working and detract from organizational strategy and development.


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Which of the following is a characteristic of a culture of inclusion?

· The organization is aware of any potential tensions within the workplace and takes action to anticipate and address them.

· Inclusion initiatives are developed, communicated, and supported by a diversity and inclusion committee.

· Women and minorities are encouraged to develop and progress, while white, male employees are expected to take the initiative for their own development.

· A clear hierarchy is established to help an increasingly diverse workforce understand the structure of the organization.


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Which statement below best explains why a diversity program without a culture of inclusion may lead to poor performance and tensions in the workplace?

· Current employees may feel that they are inferior to newly hired women and minorities.

· Establishing a welcoming attitude without taking significant action to hire, train, and develop women and minorities creates a lack of trust and integrity.

· Using hiring quotas to increase diversity for the sake of diversity is illegal under Title VII.

· Without a change in both organizational culture and individual attitudes and behaviors, women and minorities may fail to fully integrate into the organization.


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Who should initiate a diversity and inclusion program in an organization?

· The executives at the top level, who can define organizational objectives and model inclusive behavior

· The sales and marketing department, who can collect data from market surveys

· The HR department, who can create a diversity and inclusion committee to oversee the program

· The women and minorities already working in the organization, who can act as mentors for new hires


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Which of the following diversity and inclusion initiatives would be most effective at creating a representative workforce?

· Requiring all employees to complete a diversity and inclusion training program

· Creating an employee resource group to support minorities in the workplace

· Networking within diverse communities to seek job applicants

· Establishing an anti-harassment policy in the workplace


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Which of the following is a reason that a diverse workforce can lead to increased employee engagement, creativity, and innovation?

· A diverse workforce increases competition between workers, who feel threatened by new hires who are different from them.

· A diverse workforce provides a greater variety of ideas and experiences, creating opportunities to challenge and improve existing processes.

· A diverse workforce is in better compliance with legal and ethical standards of conduct, creating a feeling of honesty and trust.

· A diverse workforce often includes people who are more educated and have more experience than a homogeneous workforce.


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A vendor that provides services for a company offers to send a company employee and her family to Disneyland. What should the employee do?

· Accept the offer in an effort to strengthen business relationships

· Stop doing business with the vendor

· Allow the vendor to pay for travel expenses, but not for park admission fees

· Decline the offer because it is a conflict of interest


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Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between people and organizations?

· Employees can only be terminated for just cause.

· Organizations can abuse people even if their policies are administered fairly.

· Employees in organizations run by participation are protected from abuse.

· Individuals are more powerful than organizations because of civil rights laws.


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An employment exchange where the rewards offered by the organization are roughly equivalent to the work that an employee performs results in ________.

· A high human resource value

· A positive work-to-reward ratio

· An inducements-contributions balance

· A level employment exchange


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What is the most crucial moral issue associated with measuring employee performance?

· Whether the employees like it

· Whether employees know their performance is being measured

· How the information will be used to reward or punish employees

· Who is allowed to know about the results


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When is personnel testing considered an unethical invasion of privacy?

· When applicants are asked to reveal thoughts or emotions that are unrelated to the job

· When the tests are administered by an outside vendor

· When applicants are required to take the test as a condition of obtaining the job

· When applicants are monitored while taking the tests

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