Human Resources Comprehensive Assignment – Editing And Formatting



HRES 2170 – CompreheNsive Team Assignment

Due Date: November 14, 2018 at the start of class (6:00 PM – Refer to Course Outline for late policy)

Value: 25% of your final grade.

Project Details

Instructions: On the following pages, you will find the details for your comprehensive term project, which you will undertake in groups of 5. This forms a significant portion of your grade and requires your continuous commitment to be successful. The assignment is designed to fulfill multiple learning objectives to develop a range of skills for you, including working in a team.

You will see there are questions assigned to each of the topic areas. Although your writing may not be distributed equally amongst these questions for each topic area, you need to provide a maximum of 3 pages for each topic area (use double space, time new roman font). For each section you have to refer to at least one additional reference (beyond text book and class notes) to illustrate your point. You must follow APA standards and include a reference sheet outlining the additional reference(s) used at the end of each section. Failure to do so will result in reduction in 2 marks from the respective section. Please attach the grading scheme (last 3 pages) to your final submission (Failure to do so will result in 3 marks deduction).

Please make sure that you start this project early. You are in charge of your time and managing the work within your team. This process will be easier if you approach each topic area (chapter) as we are discussing it in class. I hope to provide some time in class for practice with your team, though the responsibility of this assignment is yours and there will be much work required with your team outside of class time to excel at this.

I will provide further clarity in class and always be available to answer questions. If you need clarifications and assistance with the project make sure to reach out (sooner than later). You can always book an appointment to meet me.

The assignment is purposefully designed with some ambiguity and also some leeway as these steps will look different depending on the job that you choose. The purpose is to get to a place of application with this material and this assignment models much of the realistic work of HR practitioners.

Please also be aware of the university policies with respect to Academic Dishonesty and also Plagiarism. This is taken very seriously at the university and even if the dishonesty or plagiarism is unintentional, my obligation to report it does not change. Please also know that taking credit for work you did not contribute to is also considered Academic Dishonesty and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct as such. As such, all members of the group are expected to work on, review, read and contribute to each section. If your name is on the paper and you did not do so, this is considered grounds for plagiarism. Further, if you split up the assignment (i.e. assign certain sections to each person and do not read and edit each person’s section), the assignment will be disjointed and your mark will reflect this.

Familiarize yourself with the resources on campus, which include but are not limited to: Student Learning Services and also our wonderful library.

Good luck with the assignment

Team Contract Your duly signed team contract is due by the start of class on xxx. A template for this is available under the assignment section on Blackboard.

You can upload a copy of the contract onto your Team Portal on Blackboard for everyone’s reference.

The template is a guideline, and you can add additional commitments that you share unanimously across your team.


Please be aware that if there are any issues that need to be addressed with your team, that I will use this contract as the first point of reference should I need to mediate.

Overall Presentation & Mechanics, Spelling, Grammar and Referencing (including Bibliography) Your paper needs to follow APA standards. Please consult the APA Guide and style sheet available at the library (Version 6) for details on spacing, font, format, referencing and pagination.


Please pay special attention to the following:

· Your paper should have a clear title page which includes your names, student IDs, instructor’s name, our course and this project’s name as well as the due date.


· Your paper needs to be presented in a professional manner and should be stapled or collated for final presentation (NO LOOSE SHEETS PLEASE). The links to APA style guides are posted in the Assignment section of Blackboard.


· Ensure please that your project is clearly and consistently referenced and that it is clear for the reader which section is which.


· Include a Table of Contents.


· Marks will be deducted for errors in grammar, spelling, and lack of readability.

Please make sure to read the full report once it is fully compiled to see if the report presents a coherent story.


· References for each chapter should be listed at the end of each chapter (not at the end of the complete report). Failure to use at least one additional reference per section will result in -2 points from each section.


· Failure to print and attach the grading rubric (last 3 pages) with the final report will result in -3 points.


· Provide a short Executive Summary to your report at the end of the document (maximum 1 page). This is a broad summary of your report. If someone only reads this section, the person should be able to have a fair understanding of what you did.




(of job to be studied)


In no less than one full page, present the position that you have decided to study for this project. It should be one that you are interested in, and would greatly help to have some base knowledge already.


You should include the specifics of the position and location, type of organization (size, industry, maturity, etc.), how many positions you are trying to fill, and other contextual information which will help you to build the full profile of the position.


Chapter 2 & 3:

The Legal Context and Safety

1. Provide two bona fide job requirements (or list and discuss any existing BFOR provided). (5 pts)

1. Discuss safety as it relates to the position and provide two proactive actions the company can take to keep this employee safe. (5 pts)

Chapter 4: Designing and Analyzing Jobs 1. Create a job description (including the job specifications) for the position you have chosen. For this purpose, you can use your personal knowledge of the job, interview someone who knows about the job, and/or use the Internet to find the relevant information. (10 pts)

2. Identify and articulate what the team deems to be the 4-6 key knowledge, skills or capabilities for this role. This should not just ‘picking from the list’ but rather, a summary reflective of the list (hint: this requires a team discussion). Further, the team will want to be clear and not just state “good communicator” (I don’t know what that means). This will help the team form the basis for the interview questions. (10 pts)

Chapter 5a: HR Planning and Recruitment 1. Design an externally focused recruitment strategy. What methods would be most effective?

Your campaign should be realistic and very focused, and should include 3 methods for recruitment.

Clearly identify how your methods will help you to recruit a more diverse workforce. (4 pts)


2. Design a job advertisement for one of your recruitment methods. (2 pts)


3. Discuss whether and how the ad has created “AIDA” as follows: the ad should attract Attention; the ad should develop Interest in the job; the ad should create Desire for the job; the ad should instigate Action. (4 pts)

Chapter 5b: Selection


(Note: The maximum page limit is increased to 6 for this section only.)



1. Based on CH 4/Q 2 (above), create three Behavioral Descriptive Interview questions for your candidate. Will the question provide the competency/skill that you are looking to uncover? WHY are you asking THIS question – what do you hope to learn? (5 pts)

2. Again, based on CH4/Q2, create three Situational Interview questions for your candidate. With the question provide the competency/skill that you are looking to uncover? WHY are you asking THIS question – what do you hope to learn? (5 pts)

Chapter 6: Orienting and Training Employees for High Performance  

1. Design 1-5 day orientation program for your new hire. Assume that you have a reasonable budget to work with to do this. You may outline your program in point form. (10 pts)



Chapter 7: Employee Performance 1. Based on the job description, identify at least 3 performance dimensions that you plan to measure to assess the job performance of your hire. Please describe why these are the important dimensions to be measured. (5 pts)


2. How do you plan to measure the performance dimensions identified above? Describe in detail, what measures would be adopted and who will be doing the measurement, and how often do you plan to do the assessment of performance (5 pts)

Peer Review (for EACH team member). This will be required of each of the members of your team. The details are provided in the peer review sheet which I have also posted under “Assignments” on our site. The 5 marks will be deducted from each individual who does not submit a peer review.

Please note that any problems with the team should be reported to the instructor at least 14 business days prior to the due date, especially if you are awarding a reduced grade for your team mates.

“completeness” Not only will the marks not be awarded for any section not completed, but an additional 10 point penalty will be imposed off the rest of the project. Realistically, this project needs to be done in sequence and all component parts need to be included for it to really “work”


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