Case Study 7

Read the Chapter Case, “Cross-Cultural Negotiation: Americans Negotiating a Contract in China,” on pages 594-601.


Do the following:


 summarize the case in at least two pages and

 answer the questions on page 602 (which are written below).


As you answer the questions, please be sure to discuss some of the important negotiation issues that are covered in the textbook, such as preparation, customs, trust, relationships, honesty, strategy, communication, and expectations. Format your summary and answers using APA style. Use your own words and include citations and references to avoid plagiarism.





1 What are the different approaches both parties take toward business negotiations?

What are the mistakes both parties have committed in this cross-cultural negotiation process, and what should they have done better?

3 What are the key characteristics of a successful cross-cultural negotiator?

4 How could both sides have prepared better to anticipate the problems faced in the negotiation?

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