Case Study

Difficult Conversations Case Study

“We Need to Talk”


For this case study you will use the materials from these sources to assist you:

· We Need to Talk Case Study, pages 5-8

· Class Performance Management PPT’s (in PPT folder) and Mastering the Art of Feedback information (under Case Study folder on BB)

· Mastering the Art of Feedback Job Aide (in Mastering the Art of Feedback information) and handed out in class

· Manager’s Guide to Performance Reviews, pages 102-163

Using these support materials, complete We Need to Talk question 7, 8 or 9 (only one required) – outline your background information and what a possible conversation would look like, including possible alternative reactions and responses (similar to the table example on page 7 in the case)

Some items you should include:

· Background information on the problem (briefly restate the problem presented in the case)

· What/where/when/how/and with whom you are going to gather information to investigate the issue

· Any potential HR/legal issues with this situation?

· When/where you will conduct the meeting?

· The outline of the meeting with manager comments (p. 7 of case)

· Purpose

· Description of behavior/issue with impact of behavior

· Possible employee reactions – manager’s response (see chart p. 7 of case)

· Consequences of continuing the behavior

· Solution you would support to resolve the issue

· What do you think would be the most challenging part of this conversation and how would you overcome it?

· How will you incorporate the “giving feedback” principles? (show consideration, withhold judgment, deliver at an appropriate time, provide freedom to change or not, check for readiness, check for clarity – from Mastering the Art of Feedback)

· What issues do you anticipate in receiving feedback from the employee? (your reaction)


Due Date: Friday April 1st – printed and brought to class. Late papers will have a 10 point per class deduction. 100 points possible based on fully answering the above questions.


Difficult Conversations


Case Study


We Need to Talk



For this case study you will use the materials from these sources to assist you:




We Need to Talk

Case Study, pages 5





Class Performance Management





(in PPT folder) and

Mastering the Art of



information (

under Case Study folder

on BB)




Mastering the Art of Feedback

Job Aide



Mastering the Art of Feedback




and handed out in class




Manager’s Guide to Performance Reviews

, pages 102




Using these support materials, complete


Need to Talk

question 7, 8 or 9 (only one



outline your background information and what a possible conversation would

look like, including possible alternative reactions and responses (similar to the table example

on page 7

in the case)



items you







Background information on the problem (


restate the problem presented in the





What/where/when/how/and with

whom you are going to gather information to

investigate the issue




Any potential HR/legal issues with thi

s situation?




When/where you will conduct the meeting?




The outline of the meeting with manager comments (p. 7


of case









Description of behavior/issue with impact of behavior




Possible employee reactions


manager’s response (

see chart

p. 7


of case






nsequences of continuing the behavior




Solution you would



to resolve the issue




What do you think would be the most challenging part of this conversation and how

would you overcome it?




How will you incorporate the “giving feedback

” principles

? (show



withhold judgment, deliver at an appropriate time, provide freedom to change or not,

check for readiness, check for clarity




Mastering the Art of Feedback





What issues do you anticipate in receiving feedback from the employee?







Due Date:

Friday April 1





and brought to class


Late papers will have a 10 point per

class deduction.


100 points possible based on


answering the above questions.



Difficult Conversations Case Study

“We Need to Talk”


For this case study you will use the materials from these sources to assist you:

 We Need to Talk Case Study, pages 5-8

 Class Performance Management PPT’s (in PPT folder) and Mastering the Art of

Feedback information (under Case Study folder on BB)

 Mastering the Art of Feedback Job Aide (in Mastering the Art of Feedback

information) and handed out in class

 Manager’s Guide to Performance Reviews, pages 102-163

Using these support materials, complete We Need to Talk question 7, 8 or 9 (only one

required) – outline your background information and what a possible conversation would

look like, including possible alternative reactions and responses (similar to the table example

on page 7 in the case)

Some items you should include:

 Background information on the problem (briefly restate the problem presented in the


 What/where/when/how/and with whom you are going to gather information to

investigate the issue

 Any potential HR/legal issues with this situation?

 When/where you will conduct the meeting?

 The outline of the meeting with manager comments (p. 7 of case)

o Purpose

o Description of behavior/issue with impact of behavior

 Possible employee reactions – manager’s response (see chart p. 7 of case)

 Consequences of continuing the behavior

 Solution you would support to resolve the issue

 What do you think would be the most challenging part of this conversation and how

would you overcome it?

 How will you incorporate the “giving feedback” principles? (show consideration,

withhold judgment, deliver at an appropriate time, provide freedom to change or not,

check for readiness, check for clarity – from Mastering the Art of Feedback)

 What issues do you anticipate in receiving feedback from the employee? (your reaction)


Due Date: Friday April 1


– printed and brought to class. Late papers will have a 10 point per

class deduction. 100 points possible based on fully answering the above questions.

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