Training And Development _ Discussion Questtion

1. How could assessment be used to create a productive work team?

2. List and explain the characteristics of effective 360-degree feedback systems.

3. Why do companies develop formal mentoring programs? What are the potential benefits for the mentor? For the protégé?

4. Your boss is interested in hiring a consultant to help identify potential managers among current employees of a fast-food restaurant. The manager’s job is to help wait on customers and prepare food during busy times, oversee all aspects of restaurant operations (including scheduling, maintenance, on-the-job training, and food purchase), and help motivate employees to provide high-quality service. The manager is also responsible for resolving disputes that might occur between employees. The position involves working under stress and coordinating several activities at one time. She asks you to outline the type of assessment program that you believe would do the best job of identifying employees who will be successful managers. What will you tell her?

5. Many employees are unwilling to relocate because they like their current community, and their spouses and children prefer not to move. Yet employees need to develop new skills, strengthen skill weaknesses, and be exposed to new aspects of the business to prepare for management positions. How could an employee’s current job be changed to develop management skills without having to relocate them?

6. What is coaching? Is there one type of coaching? Explain.

7. Why should companies be interested in helping employees plan their development? What benefits can companies gain? What are the risks?

8. What are the manager’s roles in a development system? Which role do you think is most difficult for the typical manager? Which is the easiest role? List the reasons why managers might resist involvement in career management.

9. What should be included in a development plan? What do you think is the most important part of the plan for ensuring that employees develop? Explain your choice.

10. Should a company identify and formally acknowledge its high-potential managers or should it be kept secret? Should managers know they are considered high-potential managers? Explain your positions.

11. Nationwide Financial, a 5,000-employee life insurance company based in Columbus, Ohio, uses the nine-box grid for its succession review. What type of development plans and activities would you recommend for solid but not outstanding performers429with moderate leadership potential? How would these plans differ from employees with high potential and high performance (stars)? Explain.

12. Explain the four steps in on-boarding. What should new hires learn at each step? How might social media or the Internet aid the on-boarding process?

13. What is bench strength? Is it important for companies to have bench strength? Why? How does succession planning influence a company’s bench strength?

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