BUS 434Week 2 Discussion Responses 1 & 2 And Exercise

Week 2 discussion 1 responses needed

Search the Internet for at least 3 companies in an industry in which you aspire to work.  In a table, list the benefits these firms provide that are “intrinsic” in nature.  Explain your rationale based on the theories delineated in the course text.  Evaluate why you think these benefits would attract the right talent to the organization.

Guided Response: Use the template instructions provided in the video Table of Information (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.as a guide for designing a table. Be sure to include your references, one of which should be our course text.  Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.


Respond to Jennifer Stewart

To be motivated we have to figure out what it is that we want out of life. Does money, gifts, helping others or just finishing what we start to motivate us? The way a person thinks and what type of upbringing they had has a lot to do with the intrinsic motivations that make them do what they do. The one intrinsic motivating factor for me is working for a company that values their employees and has a family like an environment. On the other hand, the extrinsic motivators like a good salary paid leave, health benefits all help the intrinsic motivators.

Companies: Google, LinkedIn, Twitter

Benefits: Choice, Encouragement, Competence, Innovation, Meaningfulness, Progress, Teamwork


Benefits Google LinkedIn Twitter
Choice Y Y Y
Encouragement Y Y Y
Competence Y Y Y
Innovation Y Y Y
Meaningfulness Y Y Y
Progress Y Y Y
Teamwork Y Y Y


The three companies I chose provide many different benefits, and I would not mind working for any of these companies. The benefits they offer also meet my intrinsic motivational factors which are also why I would not mind being employed by any of the organization. I believe it is essential to work for an organization that will encourage me to be creative as well as innovated. I want to come to work knowing that I am getting choices, what I am doing is meaningful, and I am progressing in my career. According to Human Resources MBA, these three companies HR departments are in the top 30 companies to be employed. Google comes in at number one as “Google’s philosophy is that with the right tools, you can attract the best talent, and develop happier and more productive employees.” (HumanResourcesMBA, 2015).  Followed by Twitter at number 5 “Twitter’s innovative HR department promotes a work-life balance, causing employees to admire the company culture.” (HumanResourcesMBA, 2015).  Then LinkedIn comes in at number 6, and the sites say “What sets LinkedIn apart from its competitors are its HR innovation and team practice. The motto at LinkedIn is to work hard, play hard.” (HumanResourcesMBA, 2015).  All three of these companies share one important thing; they value their employees.

Google.com. (2018). Google Careers. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/about/careers/jobs#!t=jo&jid=/google/hr-business-partner-1600-amphitheatre-pkwy-mountain-view-ca-3500032&

HumanResourcesMBA Staff. (2015). The World’s 30 Most Innovative Corporate Human Resources Departments.  Retrieved from http://www.humanresourcesmba.net/worlds-30-innovative-corporate-human-resources-departments/

LinkedIn.com. (2018). About LinkedIn. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/company/linkedin/careers?trk=uno-reg-guest-home-careers

Twitter.com. (2018). Grow Our Business. Retrieved from https://careers.twitter.com/en/teams/people.html

Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


Respond to Christy Moulton

In the workplace, intrinsic motivation reflects employees’ psychological mind-sets that result from performing their jobs and includes feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment (Weathington & Weathington, 2016, sec 3.3). Three companies I can imagine myself with if I choose to switch after I graduate, are JB Hunt, Wal-Mart Logistics, and Landstar.

Intrinsic reward Landstar JB Hunt Wal-Mart Logistics
Responsibility Y Y Y
Knowledge Y Y Y
Advancement Y Y Y
Recognition Y Y Y
Team work Y Y Y
Educational advancement y Y Y
Training Programs Y Y Y
Veteran Program N Y Y
Can retire from Y Y Y


All three of these companies can offer intrinsic rewards that are satisfying to me. JB Hunt is a huge logistics company that offers training of all areas in the logistics department. Training and advancement are very important to me as an intrinsic reward. JB hunt also helps veterans with employment Supporting Military Veterans

For eight consecutive years, G.I. Jobs placed us in the top 25 of its annual Top Military Friendly Employers list. We also received the prestigious Pro Patri Award from the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) (JBHunt.com, 2018). Walmart also has programs for veterans to obtain work. I have not seen anything with Landstar that extends help for veterans.  The only issue I have with Landstar is that they are more likely to have someone work as a contract laborer instead of apply extrinsic rewards to employees. This is not something I would want to do again. I want a company that will offer the full package with intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards for employees. Wal-Mart Logistics is very appealing to me as well because they offer advancements, training, as well as relocation if needed, they also offer a tuition reimbursement plan so that I can further my education in the area of logistics. Learning for the sake of knowledge is very rewarding to me. My current career started out as self-taught from the computer programs that are used to learning the rules and regulations of the DOT, to getting certified in areas such as drug testing and hours of service to be able to advancement to safety management level. Learning and accomplishing certificates offers me with what I would think is an intrinsic reward, pride in my work. I’m not sure which way I will go when I graduate, but this discussion gives me an overview of careers, instead of just money and benefits. I think most logistic companies have to have some intrinsic value for their employees to fulfill their needs for socialization, self-esteem, and self-actualization.  According to Maslow’s theory, once basic needs are met, however, then the value of job enrichment and similar approaches increase dramatically. Challenging work fulfills self=esteem needs and provides a path towards self-actualization. At the highest need level, work for its own sake becomes rewarding. This is why people who are already wealthy may continue to work or why scientists who have won the highest award in their fields continue to spend countless hours on new research (Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. ,2016, sec 3.4).





Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu


Week 2 discussion 2 responses

Examine what technique[s] you would use to conduct a job analysis on the job you described in the exercise for this week.

Guided Response: Your post should be between 200-300 words and should contain at least two scholarly references, including the course text.  Respond to at least two classmates’ posts.

Respond to Elyse Willfong

One technique that I would use to analyze the job I described would be the interview. I think the interview would be a great place to start. It is a technique that can be open, in an orderly way. It would give me the chance to ask my own questions about the job to gain the knowledge and understanding that I would need that involves the job. I could also choose to ask a popular set of questions that would be typical across the board, and safe. I would much rather ask those that I deem important and others that may come to me along the way. After asking questions about the job, I would consider an observation. This would allow me to see, in person, what they job entails. It would then become more realistic and understandable. “It helps you get a ‘day in the life’ perspective of the job and gathers information beyond what would be provided in interviews and questionnaires” (Weathington, B.L. & Weathington, J.G. 2016). I have experienced both before on the interviewee’s side. There is a local call center here and a few years ago I put in an application and was called in for an interview. After the interview I was placed on the call center floor with some of the employees, so I could see what it was like in their line of work.

Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy  [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu


Respond to Katise Aiken

A job analysis “is the systematic process used to determine what a job entails, both in terms of the content and duties of the job, as well as what is required from the worker to perform the job” (Weathington & Weathington, 2016. ch.4.1). This analysis will give an idea of what this job consists of.

The position I am interested in when I graduate is Human Resources Management. One of the qualifications is a bachelor’s degree and I am very close to obtaining that. My current job is a Payroll Specialist. My job includes some Human Resources skills. Hopefully, with the little experience I do have, can help me at least get my foot in the door. There is a huge market for HR and I want to be part of that team.

Some techniques that could be used to conduct a job analysis are interviews, observation, and questionnaires. When an interview is conducted, be sure to ask questions about the job duties and responsibilities. An interview can help generate descriptive data for a job position. An observation will give you a chance to observe the individual that’s doing the job and take notes. This method is not the best; however, it can be useful. The last method is the questionnaire. There are two types of questionnaires used:

· “Open-ended questionnaire – the method produces reasonable job requirements with input from employees and managers and helps analyze many jobs with limited resources.

· Highly structured questionnaire – is helpful to define a job objectively, which also enables analysis with computer models” (Society for Human Resource Management).

Overall, a job analysis determines job duties and responsibilities as well as the qualifications and personal skills required of an employee. It also helps with the recruitment and selection process.


Society for Human Resource Management. Performing Job Analysis. 2017. Retrieved from: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/performingjobanalysis.aspx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy  [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu


Week 2 Exercise Responses

Create a Job Description for a position that you hope to be able to attain after completion of your degree. At a minimum, the job description should include the sections of 1.) Position Description; 2.) Duties and Responsibilities; and, 3.) Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. Share the job description in this discussion area.  Evaluate the descriptions of at least two peers, citing at least two scholarly sources including the course text.

Carefully review the Exercise Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Exercise.


Respond to Francisco Santos

Position Description: The company is looking for a knowledgeable Human Resources Manager to join their Chandler, AZ team.  The Human Resources Manager for this position will be directly responsible for the overall administration, coordination and evaluation of the human resource function and reports to the Sr. Director of Human Resources.  Sounds a little intimidating but I feel confident in my ability.

Duties and Responsibilities: If I’m hired, I will be responsible for the full gamut of human resources to include benefits, employee relations, performance management, succession planning, recruiting, and leadership development.  I will also have to develop and administer various human resources plans and procedures for a location.  My job will require me to plan, organize, and control all activities of the department and participate in developing department goals, objectives and systems.  In this job I will have to implement and annually update the compensation program with the support of corporate; rewrite job descriptions as necessary; conduct annual salary surveys and develop merit pool (salary budget); analyze compensation; monitor the performance evaluation program and revise as necessary.  Develop, recommend and implement personnel policies and procedures; prepare and maintain handbook on policies and procedures.

I’m excited to know that my job will include involvement with the recruitment effort for all exempt, nonexempt and temporary workers.  I will be tasked to write, and place ads as needed in partnership with the talent acquisition team as well as work with a supervisor to screen and interview candidates, conduct reference checking, extend job offers, conduct new-employee orientations and on-boarding.  In addition, I will have to monitor career-path program and employee relations counseling and conduct exit interviews.

Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: The minimum knowledge, skills and abilities required for this position are global and cultural awareness and strong verbal and written communication skills.  I must have the ability to establish trust with employees, managers, and groups at all levels in the company.  A strong sense of ethics and confidentiality regarding employee and business issues is required.  Lastly, computer skills are a must, specifically with Microsoft Office programs.

Respond to Christy Moulton

Title: Human Resource Manager for Logistics Team

Position Overview

This position requires that the eligible candidate be able to implement HR policies throughout the company that will help boost our organizational culture and staff achievements. Plan and organize staff in areas that will increase productivity and create a competitive advantage for our logistics team.


The HRM will be directly responsible for recruiting and promoting based on knowledge, skills and competencies. This position requires a very high level of training investment for you as well as training your team, which may lead to long hours and weekend work.  The HRM will make sure that their team is in compliance with all federal and state regulations. Candidates must be proficient in software programs, word, excel, power point, and outlook to be able to compile data from employee’s files and customer base.

Candidate must have excellent verbal and written communication skills to be able to maintain current customer base and establish new customers.  This position requires that you have knowledge of logistics and transportation functions. HRM should be knowledgeable of the current market prices and be able to negotiate with customers to obtain new business.  The candidate should have extensive knowledge of the workflow and be able to engage and encourage team members. Candidate will plan and organize staff to create a competitive advantage over our competition.


Candidate must have the minimum of a BA in Human Resource Management and have at least two years’ experience in logistics.  Candidates must possess certificates from the DOT in areas of hours of service and drug and alcohol testing.

A job description is a list of the duties, responsibilities, tasks, working conditions, and other   essential elements needed to complete the job in a satisfactory manner as well as the traits,    skills,  educational background, and personality characteristics needed of the worker. The job description tells the worker what he or she will be doing and what background he or dhe needs in order to qualify for the job as well as be successfull in it (Weathington & Weathington, 2016).


Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016). Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy  [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu

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