2-2 Assignment: Categorization Of Variables Of The Organizational Culture At Netflix

2-2 Assignment: Categorization of Variables of the Organizational Culture at Netflix



As you work on this assignment, you will need to refer to the two articles and the presentation about Netflix in the Module One Readings and Resources folder. For this assignment, your task is to incorporate the concepts in Watzlawick’s iceberg model of communication to analyze the organizational culture at Netflix. As you work on this assignment, refer to the Module Two overview in regards to the four categories of an organization’s culture: observable artifacts, espoused values, enacted values, and basic assumptions. You will also provide two examples from the two articles and the presentation on Netflix for each category. Completing this assignment will provide you with key insights that will assist you in completing Section II: Cultural Analysis Overview of Milestone One.



2 Assignment: Categorization of Variables of the Organizational

Culture at Netflix





As you work on this assignment, you will need to refer to the two

articles and the presentation about Netflix in the Module One Readings

and Resources folder.



For this assignment, your task is to incorporate the concepts in

Watzlawick’s iceberg model of c

ommunication to analyze the

organizational culture at Netflix.



As you work on this assignment, refer to the Module Two overview in

regards to the four categories of an organization’s culture: observable

artifacts, espoused values, enacted values, and basi

c assumptions. You

will also provide two examples from the two articles and the

presentation on Netflix for each category.



Completing this assignment will provide you with key insights that will

assist you in completing Section II: Cultural Analysis Overv

iew of

Milestone One.



2-2 Assignment: Categorization of Variables of the Organizational

Culture at Netflix



As you work on this assignment, you will need to refer to the two

articles and the presentation about Netflix in the Module One Readings

and Resources folder.


For this assignment, your task is to incorporate the concepts in

Watzlawick’s iceberg model of communication to analyze the

organizational culture at Netflix.


As you work on this assignment, refer to the Module Two overview in

regards to the four categories of an organization’s culture: observable

artifacts, espoused values, enacted values, and basic assumptions. You

will also provide two examples from the two articles and the

presentation on Netflix for each category.


Completing this assignment will provide you with key insights that will

assist you in completing Section II: Cultural Analysis Overview of

Milestone One.

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