BSBHRM501 Manage Human Resources Services , BSBHRM512 , BSBWRK520 Manage Employee Relations

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Assessment plan

The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources

services. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.

This unit is assessed through the following:

Assessment Requirements Method of Assessment Due date

1. Short answer questions Written activities/demonstration TBA

2. Human resources requirements project (Part

A, B, C)

Project/observation TBA

3. Develop a service level agreement (Part A and


Project/observation TBA

4. HR Survey Project/observation TBA

5. Ethics case study Case study/project TBA

All assessments will ensure that the principles of assessment and rules of evidence are adhered to. The principles

of assessment are that assessment must be valid, fair, reliable and consistent. The rules of evidence state that

evidence must be sufficient, valid, current and authentic.

If reassessment is required, you will be given the chance to resubmit the assessment task. You will have up to three

opportunities to resubmit each assessment task. If, after the third attempt, the assessment is still not satisfactory

your trainer/assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment.

Agreement by the student

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment? If

yes, what are they?


 Yes  No

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Student signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Assessor name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

Approved by Academic Manager Page 3 of 12

Assessment Task 1 – Written Questions

Resources required

 Paper and pens

Context and conditions of assessment

The written questions will be completed in the classroom on the date specified by the assessor.

Instructions to student

Complete the questions below. You are required to answer all questions correctly. If incorrect answers are

provided, your assessor will identify if there are gaps in your knowledge and understanding and will work with

you to make arrangements for reassessment. Your assessor will advise you when and where the written

activities are to be completed and the time you will have to answer all of the questions.

You should complete your answers on a separate piece of paper with the questions numbers clearly shown.

1. Discuss in at least two sentences the aim and scope of the Fair Work Act 2009?

2. Briefly describe the role of the Fair Work Commission.

3. Briefly describe the role of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

4. Briefly discuss the purpose and scope of the Age Discrimination Acct 2004.

5. Briefly discuss the major objectives of the Disability Discrimination Act1992.

6. Briefly discuss the importance of a human resources strategy.

7. Discuss four key steps in the human resources strategic planning process. Discuss each step in at

least 2 to 3 sentences.

8. Briefly describe the purpose of performance monitoring in relation to a contract?

9. Briefly describe the purpose of performance assessment in relation to a contract?

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Assessment Task 2: Human resources requirements project

Resources required

 Computer and Microsoft Office

 Access to Boutique Build Strategic and Operational Plan

 Access to the internet for research

 Space for a meeting

Context and conditions of assessment

This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. The

assessor will advise dates for submission.

Instructions to student

All assessment activities relate to a fictional organisation, Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd.

You are required to determine human resources strategies for Boutique Build Australia and you will need to

do this by reviewing the company’s strategic plan in order to determine its goals and objectives and resulting

human resources needs, as well as consulting with managers on their human resource needs.

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is a boutique building company based in Sydney that specialises in the design and build of high quality designer homes for the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas. The company has been operational for seven years. The company employs the following staff:

Managing Director, Marketing and Sales Manager, Sales Consultants (4), Office Manager, Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Assistant, Construction Manager, Site Manager (2), Production Draftsperson (2), 6 Carpenters and a range of contract staff, including plumbers, electricians, tilers, painters and plasterers.

The workforce is predominantly male with the only three females employed (the Office Manger and the two Human Resources positions). As indicated in the Strategic Plan, the company wishes to increase the number of women in its workforce.

Another current staff issue for the company is that while the use of contractors e.g. tillers, painters and plasterers reduces the company’s ongoing staff overheads, at times it is difficult to ensure that all the required contractors are available to work on the company’ s projects.

The company’s vision as stated in its Strategic Plan is to be the best boutique home builder in Australia. Its values are listed as quality, innovation, leadership, respect and honesty and reliability.

As the Human Resources Manager for the company you have been tasked by the General Manager as part of the ongoing continuous improvement of the company to review and report on human resources services.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Complete the following activities:

Part A: Prepare for the meeting

At least a week prior to the meeting, send out an Outlook invite to the Managing Director, Marketing and Sales

Manager, Office Manager and Construction Manager staff inviting them to attend a meeting to discuss their

human resources needs and strategies.

Note that your assessor will advise you of the students who will role play the staff members (your assessor

will be the Managing Director) and the date and time that you should conduct this meeting. Your assessor will

also provide you with the email addresses to send your invitation to the meeting.

Your Outlook invite should indicate the date, time and duration of the meeting as well as the purpose of the

meeting, including a request to managers to consider prior to the meeting their human resources needs so

that this can be discussed at the meeting. Advise managers that they should consider a range of areas as

part of human resources needs, for example, workforce planning, recruitment strategies, professional

development and so on.

You should inform Managers that the meeting will last for at least 30 minutes.

In preparation for the meeting you will need to research and develop a briefing report that addresses the


 An analysis of the company’s strategic priorities and their relationship to human resources.

 A PESTLE analysis that identifies and analyses external factors that affect or are likely to affect the

human resources requirements of Boutique Build.

 As the company has also identified that it would like to increase female representation in the

workplace, you should also research and document potential strategies for increasing female


Your briefing report should be written in clear and concise English and must address all of the above content.

Your briefing report should be approximately 2 pages.

You should email your briefing report to your assessor at least 2 days prior to the meeting. You will be

assessed on whether you have addressed all of the required content and whether your document is at least 2

pages and written in clear and concise English.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Part B: Conduct the meeting

At the meeting, you will need to introduce the meeting by discussing the purpose of the meeting, as well as

providing all attendees with the briefing paper.

Review the briefing paper with the managers and seek feedback on both your report and managers’ human

resources needs.

Your assessor and fellow students will be role-playing the staff invited and will give you specific feedback

about their human resources needs.

You should listen carefully to the feedback provided and ask questions to explore issues further and to

confirm information.

You will be assessed on your use of effective communication skills, including speaking clearly and concisely

and asking questions and active listening.

At the meeting, you should facilitate the discussion such that some concrete recommendations for human

resources requirements are discussed and agreed upon. These will be documented in the action plan as per

Part C.

You will be assessed as to whether you have addressed all of the required content in the meeting, as well as

your use of effective communication skills.

Part C: Develop human resources strategy action plan Following the meeting you will be required to develop a 12-month human resources action plan that draws on

your research and analysis as documented in your briefing paper, as well as the outcomes of the meeting.

Your action plan should include clear strategies and actions based on agreed human resources requirements,

as well as roles and responsibilities and timelines.

Your assessor will provide you with a template to use.

Once you have completed these documents, send it to your assessor in the role of Managing Director. Your

assessor will provide you with feedback on your action plan, as well as approval to proceed once the changes

are made.

Update your plan based on the feedback provided and send a final version to your assessor in the role of the

Managing Director.

Save all your work in appropriate folder/s and provide a screen shot of this to your assessor with the final

version of your report and action plan. You will be assessed on your effective organisation of folders/files and


Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

Approved by Academic Manager Page 7 of 12

Assessment Task 3: Develop a service level agreement

Resources required

 Computer and Microsoft Office

 Access to the internet for research

Context and conditions of assessment

This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. The

assessor will advise dates for submission.

Instructions to student

Part A: Develop a service level agreement

Imagine that the Managing Director has agreed to strategies included in the Action Plan and that one of these

strategies is to develop a service level agreement for core human resources services.

The aim of the Service Level Agreement is to clearly document the services to be provided by the human

resources department, as well as the performance standards for the provision of the services.

As a start you have been asked to develop a Service Level Agreement for recruitment and selection.

Line Managers are now to be involved in the recruitment process as set out in the company’s new recruitment

and selection policy.

The Service Level Agreement you develop should include as a minimum roles and responsibilities and

specific targets in relation to:

 Job analysis

 Advertising

 Preparation of documentation

 Interview

 Appointment offers.

The agreement should clearly set out the services that the HR team will provide in relation to the recruitment

and selection, as well as the responsibilities of the line manager and performance standards. The

responsibilities of each party should be documented as brief dot points and be based on the Boutique Building

Company recruitment and selection policy and procedure provided to you by your assessor.

You task is to develop a service level agreement that includes the following:

 Purpose of the service level agreement

 Responsibilities of Managers (in relation to the SLA inclusions as above)

 Responsibilities of Human Resources Team (in relation to the SLA inclusions as above)

 Monitoring and evaluation arrangements

When you have completed your service level agreement, send it via email to the Managing Director and all

other senior and line managers (this will be your assessor) seeking feedback and approval.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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In your email, you should also identify how the service level agreement will be monitored, as well as a

program of training for managers with regard to aspects of the service level agreement that they will now be

responsible. The program of training should cover 12 months and occur at least once every quarter. In your

email you should provide brief details of the training that will be provided, as well as when.

You should also save all your work in appropriate folder/s and provide a screen shot of this to your assessor

with the final version of the SLA, as well as the recruitment policy and procedure. You will be assessed on

your effective organisation of folders/files and information.

Part B: Manage underperformance

Imagine that the Service Level Agreement has been in operation for 3 months and for the following activities

includes the targets as indicated:

Activity Detail Responsibility SLA target

Advertising On receipt of completion position description template and approval form, post job advertisement on relevant advertising forum

HR Team Within 2 days of receipt of position description template and approval form


Compile applications for review and forward to line manager

HR Team Within 1 day of closing date of application

Shortlist applications and return to HR

Line Manager Within 3 days of receipt of applications

Candidates contacted

Inform successful and unsuccessful candidates

HR Manager Within 1 day of receiving shortlist

There have been 3 new staff recruitments (a sales consultant and two carpenters) in the last 3 months and so

you are required to analyse the following data to see if targets have been achieved.

Sales Consultant position

 Position description received by HR from Marketing and Sales Manager on March 2 2015.

 Advertisement developed and placed by HR on 4 March 2015 with a closing date of 13 March 2015.

 Applications forwarded to Marketing and Sales Manager on 17 March 2015.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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 Shortlisted applications received by HR on 23 March 2015.

 Successful and unsuccessful candidates contacted on 25 March 2015.

Carpenter position 1

 Position description received by HR from Marketing and Sales Manager on 12 March 2015

 Advertisement developed and placed by HR on 15 March 2015 with a closing date of 24 March 2015.

 Applications forwarded to Construction Manager on 27 March 2015

 Shortlisted applications received by HR on 7 April 2015

 Successful and unsuccessful candidates contacted on 8 April 2015. Feedback received from Construction Manager that shortlisting delayed because of Easter.

Carpenter position 2

 Position description received by HR from Marketing and Sales Manager on 4 May 2015.

 Advertisement developed and placed by HR on 6 May 2015 with a closing date of 15 May 2015.

 Applications forwarded to Construction Manager on 17 May 2015.

 Shortlisted applications received by HR on 26 May 2015.

 Successful and unsuccessful candidates contacted on 27 May 2015.

Following your analysis, you are required to develop a memo to send to the managers that have not achieved

their targets. Each of the memos you send should restate the target in the service level agreement and

clearly explain which targets have not been met and the variances between actual performance and required

performance. You should also explain your intended actions to ensure targets are met and seek feedback as

to the Manager’s experience of the achievability of the targets and whether there needs to be any role


Your assessor will advise the date for submission of this assessment task. Your memo must be written in

clear and concise English and address all of the above.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Assessment Task 4: HR Survey

Resources required

 Computer and Microsoft Office

 Space for meeting

 Access to the internet for research

Context and conditions of assessment

This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. The

assessor will advise dates for submission.

Instructions to student

Imagine that one of the strategies included in your 12-month human resources services is to implement a

work-life balance policy and procedure for Boutique Build Australia. Currently, there are no specific

arrangements in place and you have been asked to survey staff about this. You decide to do this via a

meeting with staff.

Part A: Prepare for the meeting

At least a week prior to the meeting, send out an Outlook invite to the all of the staff inviting them to attend a

meeting to discuss work-life balance. Your assessor will select five of your fellow students to role play

Boutique Build staff members. Your assessor will also provide you with the email addresses to send your

invitation to the meeting and the date and time on which you will need to conduct your meeting.

Your Outlook invite should indicate the date, time and duration of the meeting as well as the purpose of the

meeting. Your invite should also include a request to managers to consider prior to the meeting work-life

balance needs, including their own and those of their staff, as well as workable options for the company.

You should inform Managers that the meeting will last for at least 30 minutes.

In preparation for the meeting you will need to research potential work-life balance strategies so that you can

discuss these at the meeting. Your research should include:

 The benefits of work-life balance programs

 Use of work-life balance programs in Australian companies

 Examples of work-life balance strategies – research at least 5 of these

You should make notes on your research to discuss at the meeting.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Part B: Conduct the meeting

At the meeting, you will need to introduce the meeting by discussing the purpose of the meeting, as well as

sharing your research findings with the team.

Seek feedback on your research findings, as well as the team’s ideas on work-life balance programs that

could be introduced.

Your assessor and fellow students will be role-playing the staff invited and will give you specific feedback on

their ideas on work-life balance.

You should listen carefully to the feedback provided and ask questions to explore issues further and to

confirm information. You will be assessed on your use of effective communication skills, including speaking

clearly and concisely and asking questions and active listening.

At the meeting, you should facilitate the discussion and reach agreement on realistic options for the company.

After the meeting you will need to write minutes of the meeting that document the discussion, as well as the

agreed strategies. You should email the minutes of the meeting to all your managers (this will be your

assessor) within 3 days of the meeting. The meeting minutes should include the date, time and attendees as

well as the key points discussed and the agreed outcomes.

Save your work to an appropriate folder and send a screen shot to your assessor. You will be assessed on

your effective organisation of folders/files and information.

You will be assessed on your satisfactory completion of all tasks.

Assessment Tasks for

BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services

Assessment Tasks for BSBHRM501 Manage human resources services Jasmine Education Group Version 2.1

Last Updated: 11 November 2019 Next Review Date: 11 November 2020

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Assessment Task 5: Social media guidelines

Resources required

 Computer and Microsoft Office

 Access to the internet for research

Context and conditions of assessment

This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. The

assessor will advise dates for submission.

Instructions to student

Boutique Build Australia’s Code of Conduct includes the following guidelines for personal and professional


In the performance of their duties, staff members are to:

 Treat customers and other staff members or contractors with courtesy and sensitivity to their rights;

 Comply with any relevant legislative, industrial or administrative requirements, and all company rules,

policies and procedures;

 Avoid undertaking any activity that could potentially compromise the performance of their duties; and

It has been recently come to your attention that one of the carpenters has been uploading photos on his

Facebook page showing photos of jobs completed by other carpenters that he feels are not good and making

offensive comments.

The company does not currently have a social media policy or guidelines.

As the Human Resources Manager, you are required to immediately address this situation as follows:

 Develop social media guidelines for the company – the guidelines should be no more than 2 pages

and should clearly spell out expectations.

 Email the social media guidelines to all staff members (this will be your assessor) explaining the

purpose of the guidelines and the reason they have been introduced (whilst keeping the incident itself


 Send a formal letter to the carpenter advising of actions to be taken (it is up to you to decide what

action is most appropriate).

The documents you develop should be in clear and concise English and you should also save all your work in

appropriate folder/s and provide a screen shot of this to your assessor with the final version of the social

media guidelines and the letter to the carpenter. You will be assessed on your effective organisation of

folders/files and information.

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