Using Information In Human Resources

Read assignment brief to follow it as checklist

Identify a problem for the research project

Write a research question

Identify the stakeholders – CEO/Managers/Employees/Customers etc

Find at least 3-4 research articles that are relevant to your study

Make notes against each study and then identify similar or different themes Write your literature review – must include compare and contrast of author  viewpoints

Add in a critique of the literature

Write recommendations and conclusions based on your research

I need you to confirm the research question with me before you complete the paper

The organization should be Saudi Aramco

You must follow the instruction in Live Session Slides file

How to best tackle this assessment (Hints and Tips)

• This is a study of the purpose, value and relevance of secondary research

• Do not carry out topic related primary research

• Pick an area of the business / organisation that would benefit from improvement – include a graph/pie chart (your own work)

• Select three key secondary sources

• Critically review them

• Feel free to make assumptions about the methodology (primary research) used

• Write a report (2500 words +/- 10%)

• Draw conclusions from your review of these texts

• Make recommendations to your identified key stakeholder

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