Assignment 2: Selection Strategy And Weighted Compensatory Approach Assignment

Assignment 2: Selection Strategy and Weighted Compensatory Approach

Note: There are 4 pages total to refer to for this first assignment. Make sure to read all 4 pages in this document.

You are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. You need to recommend to the bank what to consider when hiring for the position of Bank Teller. At this point you have completed Assignment 1 to support the bank in the way it hires Bank Tellers. Now you are moving to Assignment 2.

For this second assignment there are two main tasks you need to complete: • Assignment 2: Part A Selection Strategy • Assignment 2: Part B Weighted Compensatory Approach

Both tasks should be included in one document 2 to 5 pages in length, double spaced, use tables when needed, and use APA format for referencing and citing. Include a cover page and a reference page.

The following pages describe the rubric that will be used to measure your work and detailed instructions for completing this assignment.

(Continues for the next 3 pages)



Criteria Grade A 5 points

Grade B 4.25 points

Grade C 3.75 points

Grade D 3.25 points

Grade F- 0 points

Part A Selection Strategy

All answers are correct with a thorough explanation.

All answers are correct with a limited explanation.

One or more answers are incorrect or unclear.

Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear.

Completely missing or incorrect.

Part B Operationalizin g Your Assessment Q1- 3

All answers are correct with a thorough explanation.

All answers are correct with a limited explanation.

One or more answers are incorrect or unclear.

Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear.

Completely missing or incorrect.

Part C Operationalizin g Your Assessment Q4- 5

All answers are correct with a thorough explanation.

All answers are correct with a limited explanation.

One or more answers are incorrect or unclear.

Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear.

Completely missing or incorrect.

Writing Mechanics

Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including, but not limited to capitalization and punctuation and spelling. No errors found. No jargon used.

Adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. One to three errors found.

Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over three errors found.

Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over ten errors found.

Completely missing or incorrect.

APA Guidelines for in-text citations and References

The paper correctly cites in- text and lists at least three resources on the References page. If additional sources are used, they are included correctly.

The majority of in- text citations and the reference are properly cited; formatting is inconsistent/inaccur ate in a few cases.

References are cited but incorrectly under APA style. The student has either used another format or incorrectly applied the APA style guidelines.

Inconsistent or missing in-text citations; fails to attribute an author’s word through APA citations.

Completely missing or incorrect.

Overall Score Grade A 22.5 or more

Grade B 20 or more

Grade C 17.5 or more

Grade D 15 or more

Grade F 0 or more




© 2007 SHRM. Marc C. Marchese, Ph.D.

ASSIGNMENT TWO Selection Strategy

Now that you have created a system to assess applicants on the six key factors, you must decide how to process this information. Employee selection systems have multiple assessments, and organizations must decide how to integrate them.

Based on your first assignment:

1. Who scored the highest? ______________________________________________________

2. Do you think this person is the best applicant? Why or why not?

3. Who scored the lowest? _______________________________________________________

You have just completed an unweighted compensatory approach to employee selection. The other option is a weighted compensatory approach. In this approach, one or two factors are identified as more important than the other factors and, hence, deserve more weight in deciding the best applicant. Additionally, one or two factors may be considered least important and would have less weight.

To try this out, answer the following questions:

1. Which of the six factors do you consider the most important in terms of selecting bank tellers? Defend your choice.

2. Based on your answer to the first question, double the points for the four applicants for this factor. Record the answers in the table below.

3. Of the remaining five factors, which two do you see as least important for selecting bank tellers? Defend these choices.

4. Based on your answer to question 3, divide the points in half for the four applicants for these two factors. Record the answers in the table below.

Assignment 2: Part A Selection Strategy

Assignment 2: Part B Weighted Compensatory Approach




© 2007 SHRM. Marc C. Marchese, Ph.D.

5. For the three factors not mentioned in questions 1 and 3, copy the scores from the previous table into the table below. Total the scores for the four applicants.

Maria Lori Steve Jenna


Work experience

Math skills

Verification knowledge

Interpersonal skills

Work motivation


1. Now who scored the highest? __________________________________________________

2. Do you think this person is the best applicant? Why or why not?

3. Who scored the lowest? ___________________________________________________

4. When you compare your answers using the unweighted to the weighted approach, which approach do you think was better? Why?

Assignment 2: Part B (Continued) Weighted Compensatory Approach


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