Assignment Questions That Need To Be Answered:

Please write responses to each of the 5 items below—-Module 1 Discussion Board:

1. Why has nursing made policy and political competence such a strong part of the nursing curriculum and role development?

2. Discuss ways that you have been active as a policymaker or could be active.

3. Discuss examples of advocacy you see in your practice or in the practice of others? Advocacy in this form does not refer to bedside advocacy on behalf of your patient. This item is specific to policy advocacy such as with your professional organization, with a consortium, etc.

4. Discuss barriers to effective nursing advocacy? What are ways to mitigate these barriers?

5. Discuss the importance of ethics in health care policy.


STUDENT #1 Example Submission

1. Nursing contributes to the healthcare system and having a set of regulations is a very important aspect in the delivery of safer healthcare. Then, Health Policy is essential in Nursing. The ultimate goal of political and policy activity is the Optimal health for everyone. (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, & O’Grady, 2016)

Policy and political competence must be abundantly applied to execute a specific role. Hence, Ferris, Davidson, and Perrewe (2005) discussed, that political skill is an essential role to accept others and to use that ability to impact others. They classify it into four political skills, Social astuteness, Interpersonal influence, Networking ability, and Apparent sincerity. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has developed a Policy Competencies for Nurses that describe the level of expertise in each nursing program. Deep understanding of both content and policy, offering solutions that are not only focussing on nursing and using the power will have a greater effect on the role development of each nurse. (Mason et al., 2016)

Nurses can globally affect policy and politics. It is the duty of nurses to engage in legislation that influences their patients. As one of the biggest medical professions worldwide, nurses should be the leaders in the way in formulating a modernize healthcare system.


2. Discuss ways that you have been active as a policymaker or could be active.

I still remember receiving a call from my Chief Nurse, asking me to come for another shift the following day after my fifth day stretched that week. I was physically and emotionally drained and refusal to her request will lead through disciplinary action. From then on, I became an active supporter of Safe Staffing. Being a nurse made me experienced a lot of challenges in my life, one of these, is when I became one of the first Filipino nurses in the hospital where I used to work before. I worked as a Registered ICU Nurse in Universal Hospital, LLC, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi City. I had the opportunity to develop a policy in the hospital which is the policy regarding safe staffing. Safe staffing requires that there are enough numbers of competent staff nurses in the desired unit. Research has shown that nurse staffing is crucial in influencing patient care results. In addition to this, Nurse staffing is linked to effective leadership. The report shows that managers with transformational leaders contribute to staff engagement, positive feedback resulting in higher job satisfaction and low nursing turn over. (MacPhee, Ellis, & McCutcheon, 2006)

3. Discuss examples of advocacy you see in your practice or in the practice of others?

Advocacy in this form does not refer to bedside advocacy on behalf of your patient. This item is specific to policy advocacy such as with your professional organization, with a consortium, etc.

Safe Staffing for Nurse and Patient Safety Act of 2018 (S. 2446, H.R. 5052). Under this act in Section 2 Findings (3) “The 2015 National Healthcare Retention and RN Staffing Report revealed that nurse turnover costs the average U.S. hospital nearly $5,000,000 every year. Appropriate nurse staffing reduces nurse burnout and turnover, saving hospitals money.” (H.R. Res. 5052, 2018). I strongly support this law because I believe, nurses play a major role in the health care system. I recently visited the American Nurses Association website and I am very fortuitous being a part of this organization. They advocate continues support to this bill in order to provide not only quality health care but safe care to all the patients of all ages.


4. Discuss barriers to effective nursing advocacy? What are ways to mitigate these barriers?

Inadequate training and education regarding advocacy skills are one of the barriers to effective nursing advocacy. Advocacy is extensively considered as a fundamental nursing role. Hence, Learning is the key to alleviate these issues. As described by McDermott-Levy (2009) he proposes a unique time to train students in advocacy for environmental health. McDermott-Levy’s students discovered laryngeal cancer from the patient’s immediate family member who lives in a coal mining community. Thus, he recommends that nurses trained in environmental health could be a good advocate for patients and communities in these situations. (Mason et al., 2016)


5. Discuss the importance of ethics in health care policy.

Ethics has to do with right or wrong in this world, and policy and government issues have an inseparable tie to what happens to individuals in this world. Furthermore, ethics and politics are answerable for building a better life for oneself and others. (Mason et al., 2016)

Ethics is the field that tries to comprehend which beliefs are deserving of our grip, and why. It does not require an exceptionally skilled knowledge or academic concepts. For this reason, ethics is not a major part of health policy. The things that are important about morals for wellbeing approach and for different fields are things that we all can do, given the will to undertake them. (Danis, Clancy, & Churchill, 2002)



Danis, M., Clancy, C., & Churchill, L. R. (Eds.). (2002). What ethics can contribute to health policy. Ethical dimensions of health policy (p. 53).

MacPhee, M., Ellis, J., & McCutcheon, A. S. (2006, October 1). Nurse Staffing and Patient Safety. The Canadian Nurse, 102, 18-23.

Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2016). Policy & politics in nursing and health care (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier

Safe Staffing for Nurse and Patient Safety Act of 2018, H.R. Res. 5052, 115 Cong., (2018) (enacted).



STUDENT #2 Example Submission

1.Why has nursing made policy and political competence such a strong part of the nursing curriculum and role development?

Nursing has made policy and political competence a strong part of the nursing curriculum and role development because healthcare policy is involved in everyday nursing practice. Legislators need to be encouraged to appreciate nurses’ views on policy. Nurses must develop strong relationships with the public and be able to shape policy in government, in the workplace, in health-related organizations, and in the community. Studies have found that undergraduate nurses are not educated or aware of the importance of political influences they hold. Students’ need to be taught how to participate in the political process and participate in professional organizations in order to influence policies. There are different levels in nursing education-BSN, MSN, DNP, that have individual expectations for policy influence and competencies. Nurse need to be taught political skills in order to advocate for others and influence policies (Mason et al., 2016) .

2.Discuss ways that you have been active as a policymaker or could be active.

I have been active in my facility as a policymaker as a member, co-chair, and chair of the Practice Council. The practice council in our facility reviews and improves on current policies that pertain to nursing practice. The council also developed new policies as needed as new and current issues evolved. As co-chair and chair of the practice council I also served on the Relationship-based Council main council that reviewed the other councils’ suggestions for policy improvements.

3.Discuss examples of advocacy you see in your practice or in the practice of others? This item is specific to policy advocacy such as with your professional organization, with a consortium, etc.

In my practice examples of advocacy seen is promoting or decreasing healthcare acquired infections such as HAUTIs, CAUTIs, and HABSIs. Nurses are encouraged to influence providers to remove catheters and central line catheters as soon as possible. Nurses are involved in policy and practice implementations that encourage nursing practices that promote health. Our facility also encourages nurses to participate in community health programs such as career day in the county school systems as well as other community health programs to promote improved community health.

4.Discuss barriers to effective nursing advocacy. What are ways to mitigate these barriers?

There are many barriers to effective nursing advocacy. Some of these barriers include advocacy is time consuming, requires a strong commitment, lack of education and training regarding advocacy skills, fear of retribution from employers. Ways to mitigate these barriers include, mentoring tuning in to their personal advocacy attributes, improving confidence in new graduate nurses, empowering students by increasing awareness, encouraging participation in politics, and introducing advocacy skills while in nursing schools (Mason et al., 2016).

5.Discuss the importance of ethics in health care policy.

Ethics are important in health care policy in order to ensure health care improves peoples’ lives and not hurt them. Ethics are important to ensure that all persons receive or have access to appropriate and efficient health care. Nurses must adhere to the Nurses’ Code of Ethics in order to provide appropriate healthcare and influence efficient policies and practices (Mason et al., 2016).


Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2016). Policy and politics in nursing and health care (7th ed.). Elsevier Inc.

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