Biology Hw

Note: Complete the questions asked in Part A and Part B.

Part A: Briefly answer the following questions. Make sure you cite references in APA. Your answer must be 100% original.

Question 1

(Hint: Look in “Patterns- The family tree”)

What is the trait that distinguishes primates, rodents/ rabbits, crocodiles, and dinosaurs/ birds from amphibians and earlier lineages?

Question 2

Would you expect a bird wing and a butterfly wing to be homologous or analogous structures?  Explain.

Question 3

In your own words, list and define the four mechanisms of evolution.

Question 4

(Hint: Look in “Mechanisms- Natural selection”)

In your own words, give an example in nature of how natural selection works.

Question 5

In your own words, describe the difference between microevolution and macroevolution.










Part B: Multiple choice questions

Question 1

In the following phylogenetic tree, which of the following are in the clade that has a therian mammal ancestor?

    monotremes and eutherians
    lepidosaurs and archosaurs
    monotremes and marsupials
    marsupials and eutherians

Question 2

In the following phylogenetic tree, the unique lineage of archosaurs is represented by:

    a red line
    a green line
    a blue line
    a black line

Question 3

In the following phylogenetic tree, which of the following is not a shared derived characteristic of therian mammals?

    holoblastic cleavage

Question 4

(Hint: look in “Mechanisms- Descent with modification”)

In a population of beetles which can be either green or brown in color, the gene (allele) frequency of green beetles in 2009 was measured to be 36% and increased to 52% in 2010.  The gene (allele) frequency of brown beetles in 2009 was measured to be 64% and decreased to 48% in 2010.

True of False? This population of beetles is evolving.


Question 5

Which of the following is the best example of the principle of “fitness”?

    a white rabbit living on a forested hill side compared to a brown rabbit living there
    gorilla males with large testicles consistently producing more offspring than gorilla males with small testicles
    the most dominant chimpanzee male in the group eating more often than less dominant males
    a giraffe having thicker,spottier fur than another giraffe

Question 6

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    mutation are non-random
    only germline mutations can affect evolution
    natural selection is random
    mutation always affect the phenotype to the same extent


Question 7

Hummingbirds feed on flower nectar and often have a beak whose shape is adapted specifically to only one flower shape, fitting in no other flower species. As a result, this hummingbird may only feed on that particular flower and is its only pollinator, creating a mutual dependency between the two species.

This is an example of ___________.

(spelling counts; lower case letters only, please).



Question 8

A field biologist discovers a population of pocket mice in Nebraska which has a very different phenotype of the other populations of pocket mice in the area.

Which of the following is the best strategy the biologist should use in order to establish whether or not she has found a new species?

    compare the color, size, shape, and any other physical traits between the various populations to the newly discovered one and if they look at least 95% the same, consider them the same species.
    check to see what kind of habitat they live in, and if it is the same, consider them the same species
    check to see what they eat, at what time of the year they breed, how many offspring they generally produce, and what their social structure is, and if it is the same, consider them the same species
    check to see if they would produce viable and fertile offspring when brought together to mate. If yes, then consider them the same species

Question 9

The fact that a mule (hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey) is sterile is an example of:

    reduction of gene flow
    genetic drift
    reproductive isolation
    geographic isolation

Question 10

True or False.  The mechanisms causing microevolution are different from those of macroevolution.

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