
  1. A) Explain how geography, mass extinctions and adaptive radiation help explain the diversity of living organisms. B) Explain how changes in development can explain the evolution of new life forms.
  2. Using the information you presented about geography, mass extinction, adaptive radiation and embryonic development, from the previous two questions, explain how living organisms evolve.
  3. A) Explain what do phylogenies represent. B) If two species look similar, can you assume they are closely related? Explain why. C) Describe one practical application of studying phylogenies?
  4. When comparing birds and bats they both have wings, A) can we use the presence of wings as an indicator of phylogenetic relationship? Explain B) What do we call a trait like wings present in bats and birds (synapomorphy (shared derived trait), symplesiomorphy (shared ancestral trait), homoplasy)? Explain.
  5. Birds, bats and humans all have a vertebral column. A) If you group birds, bats and humans in one clade and leave out other apes and mammals, what type of group would they form (monophyletic, paraphyletic, polyphyletic)? Explain B) What do we call a trait like presence of vertebral column within bats, birds and humans (synapomorphy (shared derived trait), symplesiomorphy (shared ancestral trait), homoplasy)? Explain. C) What other organisms would you have to include in this clade in order to have a monophyletic group?
  6. A) Viruses can create mutations in bacteria, and in humans some viruses are linked to cancer. Explain whether the lytic or the lysogenic cycles is more likely to have these sides effects on the host. B) Why has it been so difficult to find a vaccine against HIV or a vaccine against all flu viruses?
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