Ecs Final Reflection Paper

Basically, just talk about which reading you think is good and which one you think can be delayed for next semester. The professor wants to get some advice on re-choosing the readings.

can talk about the article:Hennchenproof-copy the culture so that there’s specific and detailed news that is easier to bring readers into the meaning of the topic.

requirement:Please write approximately 3 pages reflecting on the readings we did this semester.  Identify those that you think were most informative or helped provide you with a new or alternate perspective on environmental problems and decisions about how to address them. Explain what it was about those readings (style of writing, methodology, subject matter) that impressed you.

Did any of the readings strike you as not terribly valuable?  If so, what were their specific deficits (again, you can refer to writing style, methodology, or other aspects)?

Are there subjects that you would have liked to have more readings about?

What are some key takeaways from our semester’s worth of readings—ideas or learnings that you have connected to your other studies or to your broader understanding of the human-environment relationship?

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