
Suggestions for Producing Effective Pamphlets

· First, you need to understand the issue well.

· This takes some research and preparation

· If you need to determine who is at risk, go to a website like the CDC to find out.

· Next, you can go to PubMed if you need more details, or see what you might find in to see the healthy people 2010 goals.

· Have an eye-catching title or a slogan

· Determine whether you have a target audience. If you do, strive to focus on your target.

· Are they the elderly? parents? women? a certain social or ethnic group? i.e. a specific population?

· Could have a person on your pamphlet who might be a susceptible individual or a role model for doing the right thing.

· Why are you writing the pamphlet? Do you want to increase the reader’s knowledge, or tell them to do (or not do) something? This will influence the amount of explanation you wish to provide, etc.

· About your English

· Try to avoid jargon, difficult terminologies and sentences, i.e.,double negatives in sentences, etc. Try to make your English very clear.

· Don’t be too wordy

· Condensation of the content to the essentials will make your pamphlet more readable. Try to boil your words to the key points.

· Summarize your points

· Don’t use too small a point size.

· Use bullets – they are more eye-catching than bare sentences.

· Graphics

· Use pictures, graphs, charts, etc. to express you message – get the point across. Figures should be clear and easy to read. Not too small.

· Color

· Color can be very good and can help differentiate points, draw the eye in to read a point.

· However, if you use color, make sure that you don’t use it to an excess.

· References

· One should differentiate references from various groups (Govt or Non-Govt) that could be construed as “partners.” You can list institutions by name as sponsors or partners.

· Name and Contact Info – should be somewhere on the pamphlet.

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