CSA1: Exploring Global Indicators, Creating Local Indicators

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After reviewing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Links to an external site.) choose one goal to focus on for this assignment.

Chosen Sustainable Development Goal:

1. Framing the problem (15 points)

In two to three paragraphs, describe the sustainability problem that this goal is designed to ameliorate.  Use specific information from the Overview and Progress and Info sections to provide context and help you frame the problem.

2. Reflection on goal (15 points)

Why did you choose this goal to focus on?  What about the goal resonates with you?  Do you think the goal is well structured to work toward solving the associated sustainability problem?

3.  Critiquing the assessment framework (30 points)

Choose three targets associated with your chosen goal.  For each target, choose one indicator to critique.  In one to two paragraphs, explain if and why you believe it is the appropriate choice to monitor progress toward the target and larger goal.  Use the characteristics of effective indicators from the readings and lecture to support your position.

Target 1:

Indicator 1:

Critique of Indicator 1:

Target 2:

Indicator 2:

Critique of Indicator 2:

Target 3:

Indicator 3:

Critique of Indicator 3:

Part 2:  Creating Indicators for the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Action Plan

Choose one Corvallis Sustainability Action Team (Links to an external site.) to focus on for this assignment.

Chosen Action Team:

1. Describing the system (30 points)

Describe both the sustainability issues within the action team focus area and the community efforts to improve sustainability within the focus area in terms of the three dimensions of sustainability.

Sustainability issues:

Action Team/Community efforts:

Impacts on the three dimensions:

2.  Developing indicators to align to the action plan (60 points)

Review the vision, goals, strategies and actions for your chosen action team.  You will find a link to the document containing all of the information that you need to complete this section at the bottom of each of the action team pages.

Choose one Goal to focus on for this activity.  Chosen Goal:

Choose two Strategies to focus on for this activity.  Chosen Strategies:

For each action under your two chosen strategies, identify one indicator that could be used to measure progress.  Explain why you chose that indicator in one to two paragraphs using the characteristics of effective indicators from the readings and lecture to support your position.

Goal 1, Strategy 1, Action 1:

Goal 1, Strategy 1, Action 2:

Goal 1, Strategy 1, Action 3:

Goal 1, Strategy 2, Action 1:

Goal 1, Strategy 2, Action 2:

Goal 1, Strategy 2, Action 3:

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