Renewable Lab

Laboratory Activity-Renewable Energy

Load the  Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center Solar Project (Links to an external site.)  and observe the real-time output.

· Each student must collect data from the solar demonstration unit. Try to collect data at various times in the day to acquire as many data points as possible (e.g., at least 12-15 readings).

Three (3) times a day for four (4) days or four (4) times a day for three (3) days total throughout the week.  The more data the better!

Three times a day example:

· Morning – (Sunrise-11:59am)

· Afternoon – (12:00pm-5:00pm)

· Evening – (5:00pm-Sunset)

Collect the following data during each reading:

· Time/Date

· Weather Conditions

· System Output in %

· AC kW output

· The total kWh reading for the day (“Today” from website)

· Tabulate and graph the data.

Renewable Energy Group Discussion Questions

Use these questions to aid your data summary. Please do not  post  answer the questions numerically ( use as summary)

1. Explain why wind and water energy sources are considered an indirect form of solar energy.

2. What are the differences between active solar approaches and passive solar approaches?

3. Discuss how weather plays a role in the amount of energy produced by the PV cells.

4. Would this system meet your energy needs? Review your electric bill (e.g., FPL) to determine your kWh usage per month.  Include this information in your answer.

5. What roles do conservation and energy efficiency play in helping us meet our energy needs using renewable resources?

6. How would you store some of the energy created by this solar system?  Discuss current storage systems used in solar energy applications.

7. Currently, fossil fuels meet most of the energy needs of the United States. Why do experts say that in the future no one renewable source will dominate as fossil fuels do today?

8. How does this laboratory exercise fit within the context of our environmental science and sustainability course?

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