1) 8.2 statement A6

Using the truth-table definitions of the dot, the wedge, and the curl, determine if the following statement is true:

London is the capital of England V ~ London is the capital of England

2) 8.2 statement B6

If AB, and are true statements and XY, and are false statements, is the following true?

(B • C) V (Y • Z)

3) 8.2, statement C6

Using the letters EIJL, and to abbreviate the simple statements,

“Egypt’s food shortage worsens,” “Iran raises the price of oil,” “Jordan requests more U.S. aid,” “Libya raises the price of oil,” and “Saudi Arabia buys five hundred more warplanes,” symbolize the statement

Iran or Libya raises the price of oil but they do not both do so.

4) Exercise 8.3, statement A7

This is an exercise on page 308.

If AB, and are true statements and XY, and are false statements, determine if the following is true, using the truth tables for the horseshoe, the dot, the wedge, and the curl.

(A כּ B) כּ C

5) Exercise 8.3, statement B2

This is also on page 308.

B. Symbolize the following, using capital letters to abbreviate the simple statement involved.

2. If Argentina mobilizes, then either Brazil will protest to the UN or Chile will call for a meeting of all the Latin American states.

6) Exercise 8.4, Group A, argument a

This one is in page 313.

You have to read both Group A and Group B, to do this one.

The directions, given in page 312, say:

Here follow a group of arguments (Group A, lettered a–o) and a group of argument forms (Group B, numbered 1–24).

Just do the following:

For the given argument (in Group A), indicate which of the argument forms (in Group B), if any, is the specific form of that argument.

This one (the given argument that you have to work with) is

A • B

Therefore, A

7) Exercise 8.7, argument 2

Just do B 2, given in page 322.

Use truth tables to determine the validity or invalidity of the following argument:

#2 is given as

(C V D) כּ (C • D)

C • D

Therefore, C V D

8) Exercise 8.8, statement A1

This is in page 328.

For the statement in the left-hand column, indicate which, if any, of the statement forms in the right-hand column have the given statement as a substitution instance, and indicate which, if any,\ is the specific form of the given statement.

Just indicate which one the specific form of the given statement.

You can do that by looking!

The given statement is A V B.

9) Exercise 8.8, statement B3

Use truth tables to characterize the following statement form as tautologous, self-contradictory, or contingent.

(p • q) • (p כּ ~ q)

10) Exercise 8.8, bi-conditional C2

In this case, you have to provide a truth-table.

This is an exercise from page 329.

(p כּ q) ≡ (~p כּ ~ q)

The directions say:

Use truth table to decide if the bi-conditional is a Tautology.

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