
Format: 600-800 words, 1.5 spacing, 12 pt. font. Responses should be organized, free of excessive errors, and appropriately formal in tone.

Citation & Bibliography: You should include in-text citations and a bibliography, even if you only cite Barker. Format your citations and references according to the American Anthropological Association’s style guidelines.   

File & Submission: 

1)    Save your file in .doc or .pdf format – I cannot comment in other formats using Moodle.

2)    Name your file in the following format: yourlastname.fourthessay

3)    Submit your paper at the link on Moodle (under Week 5 on the mainpage).

Prompt: For many decades, anthropologists tended to think of culture as a worldview shared by a group of people living in a particular place. It was considered perfectly clear reasonable to speak of the “culture of the Nuer” or of “German culture.”

Beginning in the later 20th century, our focus began to shift in ways that challenged some of the assumptions behind this consensus-based, place-bound view of culture: greater attention to the dynamics of power and inequality; increasing awareness of the importance of history and a new focus on divisions within societies and interconnections between them.

In your essay, discuss how paying attention to one or more of these aspects of social life requires us to adjust our understanding of culture. Draw on specific examples from two of the readings from this week (Abu-Lughod, Schepper-Hughes and Ernst) to support your argument.

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