Anthropology Exam

Question 1


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Material remains help prehistoric archaeologists reconstruct

Select one:

a. human behavior

b. burial sites

c. garbage dumps

d. written records


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Question 2


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People are biological creatures as well as rational human beings. In order to gain a complete understanding of any aspect of human behavior, the field of anthropology adopts what strategy?

Select one:

a. four-field approach

b. ethnobiology

c. cultural evolution

d. physical anthropology


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Question 3


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What do we call the belief that one’s own culture or way of life is normal and natural and the practices of other people are abnormal and unnatural?


Select one:

a. relativism

b. ethnocentrism

c. holism

d. “walking in their shoes”


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Question 4


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What type of anthropologists explore all aspects of living human culture—from war and violence to love, sexuality, and child rearing—and look at the meanings that people from all over the world place on these things?

Select one:

a. cultural anthropologists

b. holistic anthropologists

c. sociolinguists

d. ethnologists


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Question 5


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Which discipline of anthropology studies human beings in the present and from the past through the excavation and analysis of human material artifacts?

Select one:

a. archaeology

b. cultural anthropology

c. physical anthropology

d. ethnology


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Question 6


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Human beings have long been migrant, moving themselves, their material goods, and even ideas from one part of the world to another. What makes this process, which is now called globalization, seem so different today than in the past?

Select one:

a. ethnocentrism

b. intensification

c. increasing migration

d. four-field approach


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Question 7


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When companies move their production facilities around the world to take advantage of cheaper labor and lower taxes, what is this called by anthropologists?

Select one:

a. marginal exploitation

b. labor-tax compression

c. flexible accumulation

d. technological migration


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Question 8


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What does an anthropologist call the type of research that compares multiple communities in order to examine links between them?

Select one:

a. multi-sited ethnography

b. globalized anthropology

c. cross-linked anthropology

d. bilocational fieldwork


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Question 9


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Humans learn culture from the people and cultural institutions that surround them. When does this occur?

Select one:

a. predominantly in early childhood

b. primarily in cultural institutions such as clubs and colleges

c. throughout their entire lives

d. generally from infancy through middle school


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Question 10


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Family gatherings that honor particular moments in our lives—weddings, special holidays, and so forth—are often sources of tension when different family members want to “change things up.” As a facet of culture and how we learn it, this reminds us that culture is a shared experience. It also reminds us that culture is:

Select one:

a. constantly contested, negotiated, and changing

b. has largely disappeared in human societies due to family tensions

c. genetically inherited

d. static in that it remains identical, consistent, and uncontested over time.


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Question 11


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When studying abroad, Shelby talks about the racial categories in the United States. Her new friends from Japan, Brazil, and Turkey all say her categories are incorrect. Each person has their own way of categorizing people by race. Shelby remembers from her anthropology class that racial categories are determined by:

Select one:

a. mental maps of reality

b. genetic variations between groups

c. biological differences between groups

d. cultural symbols


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Question 12


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Clifford Geertz (1926–2006), who urged anthropologists to explore culture primarily as a symbolic system, felt that symbols were largely responsible for meaning. This meant that symbols and their meanings required a great deal of ________.

Select one:

a. collective understanding

b. specificity

c. interpretation

d. rejection


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Question 13


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Which of the following is defined as the ability to create consent and agreement within a population, sometimes unconsciously, by shaping what people think is normal, natural, and possible?

Select one:

a. hegemony

b. materialism

c. consumerism

d. coercion


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Question 14


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Current estimates suggest that children in the United States view almost 40,000 commercials a year. All of this is accomplished by advertising, which helps us learn how to:

Select one:

a. perform well in school

b. best manage our personal finances

c. be successful consumers

d. have more friends


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Question 15


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Which of the following processes is intensifying the exchange and diffusion of people, ideas, and goods worldwide, creating more interaction and engagement among cultures?

Select one:

a. industrialization

b. neoliberalization

c. financialization

d. globalization


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Question 16


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Ifeoluwa and Grace live in different countries, practice different religions, and speak different languages. However, they both like the same clothing brands and have the same favorite TV show. Their surprising similarities demonstrate the impact of:

Select one:

a. globalization

b. stratification

c. cultural norms

d. unilinear cultural evolution


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Question 17


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Franz Boas is credited with developing the concept of cultural relativism. What specific perspective made cultural relativism radical at that time?


Select one:

a. applying an ethnocentric perspective to studying different cultures

b. viewing cultures exclusively through comparative ethnology

c. taking each culture as a variation of unilineal evolution

d. understanding each culture on its own unique merits


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Question 18


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What term describes ethnographers’ awareness that they should engage in critical self-examination regarding the role they play in the research process?

Select one:

a. confidentiality

b. relativity

c. reflexivity

d. polyvocality


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Question 19


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Two different anthropologists write about the same people at different times. The first makes detailed field notes and conducts surveys. The second does not conduct surveys, but talks to many people in the field and takes good notes. When they publish their results, the first anthropologist’s book has every single detail of the research, and the second anthropologist’s book has many of the raw interviews as part of the text. We might consider the second book to be polyvocal because:

Select one:

a. there is no actual survey data in the book.

b. it uses selective accounts of the informants to tell the whole story.

c. the voices of the informants are used to describe the ethnographer’s personal perspective.

d. it includes many voices from the people interviewed


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Question 20


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Imagine thousands of people, all screaming, yelling, and drinking, while a smaller group in the center area fight over the remains of a dead pig. If it were part of the research described in Horace Miner’s interpretations of Nacirema culture, this might be seen as significant in anthropological terms because it:

Select one:

a. helps to understand how ethnographic accounts are interpretations

b. demonstrates the tastes of a large population toward pork consumption.

c. illustrates mass ritual effectively.

d. affords a window into the nature of spectacle.


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Question 21


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An anthropologist conducts ethnographic research on the lives of undocumented immigrant families. How might the anthropologist justify publishing intimate and potentially incriminating details about the subjects?

Select one:

a. The anthropologist will violate the “do no harm” mandate unless the research is published.

b. The researcher obtained informed consent and ensured the anonymity of the subjects.

c. All of the poor must be given an equal voice, and publishing ethnographic research is the most useful way to accomplish this.

d. The anthropologist must publish the results to help stop illegal immigration.


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Question 22


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How would you describe the problems pertaining to the vulnerability of research subjects involved in a study of Facebook groups?

Select one:

a. The study population might be self-selecting, and therefore nonrepresentative.

b. The researcher would not be able to establish meaningful connections.

c. The participants would not have anonymity.

d. The population would not have the chance to say things in their own words.


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Question 23


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Increased migration has led anthropologists to conduct different types of ethnographic research, collecting data in two or more locations. What type of ethnography is this?


Select one:

a. multi-sited

b. public

c. reflexive

d. extensive


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Question 24


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Once arriving at a new site for ethnographic research, your curiosity leads you to spend large amounts of time walking through the small village complex where you live. What useful ethnographic information do you discover in doing this?

Select one:

a. who the most friendly people in the area are

b. how the history of the village developed over time

c. who in the village likes to sit around drinking at night

d. spatial awareness of where people live


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Question 25


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In late nineteenth-century debates on American immigration, many scholars and government officials privileged immigrants from northern Europe over those from southern Europe, such as Italians and Greeks, because the officials felt these southern people were a separate and inferior biological race with primitive ways. This is an example of genocide

Select one:



Question 26


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Anthropologists take a comprehensive approach to understanding human beings. They accomplish this task by looking at biology

Select one:



Question 27


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Cultural anthropologists like to hang out with the people they are studying and ask lots of questions as the people work, celebrate, dance, or play games. The term used for this process is “Hanging Out”, a methodology recently developed in western New York

Select one:



Question 28


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Many large corporations—Walmart, General Motors, and others— routinely operate larger numbers of factories in places like China in order to take advantage of very cheap wages, putting workers in their home country out of a job. This is an example of flexible accumulation.

Select one:



Question 29


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Unilineal cultural evolution, inspired by the work of Charles Darwin, proposes that the diversity of human cultures represent different stages of development

Select one:



Question 30


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Franz Boas (1858–1942) rejected unilineal cultural evolution, instead suggesting that different cultures arise as the result of very different causes, and will vary widely. We call his approach unilineal cultural evolution.

Select one:



Question 31


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We often find ourselves seeing something as a “natural truth” and viewing any alternative as unthinkable. This an expression of human genetic differences.

Select one:



Question 32


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Anthropologists conducting fieldwork may experience a particular kind of disorientation from the “strangeness” they discover. This is often attributable to excessive consumption of coffee during fieldwork

Select one:



Question 33


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One of the typical steps taken during the planning stages of a fieldwork project is charting kinship networks

Select one:



Question 34


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It is essential that ethnographers map communities because mapping illuminates how use of space influences social interactions.

Select one:



Question 35


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Because she has been a community activist and an advocate for her research subjects, Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ work can be considered as politically engaged anthropology.

Select one:



Question 36


8.00 points out of 8.00

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Think about your intended career or field of interest. Describe how any two of the following anthropological frameworks or concepts can be applicable or useful in understanding aspects of work related to your career or field of interest: holism, stratification, power, hegemony, agency, emic, informed consent, polyvocality, reflexivity. Answer this question in no more than 200 words (8 points)

First of all, I think holism is important to my field of interest. My major is statistics. When I count a set of data, I will find that there are many factors that affect this set of data, and this set of data does not exist independently.

Secondly, I think reflexivity is also significant. Because in the process of data statistics, there may be some errors that we cannot find. At this time, our judgment and practical inspection may produce subversive changes to the results.



Question 37


18.00 points out of 18.00

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You have been asked to conduct an ethnographic research on the level of adherence to COVID-19 safety protocols in your hometown. Your goal is to find out if people 1) are following the necessary recommendations, including wearing masks, socially distancing, and practicing appropriate hand hygiene, and 2) the challenges they may face in following these recommendations.

a) Describe three methods you would use to collect data for your research, explaining why you chose each method (12 points).

b) What two ethical issues would you consider in conducting your research? Explain each issue fully (6 points).

Answer this two-part question in no more than 450 words.


a) The first method I will choose Observations. Because this method can get a lot of data in a short time. For example, in a supermarket, I can observe whether 200 people wear masks in 30 minutes, and 50 people keep social distance and perform proper hand hygiene. Such data is true and reliable. The second method I will choose a questionnaire survey. Because this method allows me to understand the thoughts of people who follow the sanitation guidelines and those who are not allowed to look for sanitation guidelines and make general statistics. This will make me more aware and confident about my survey. The last method I will use quantitative data for data classification and comparison because quantitative data can improve the objectivity and accuracy of the results.


b) The first moral issue I think of is that I have to respect the behavior pattern of the observed, and I cannot let my own different ideas cause harm to others. The second ethical issue I think of is that I have to make sure that the people surveyed are voluntary and that my data is anonymous.

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