How Do Political Elites Use Social Media Platforms To Gain Power Over People? And What Is The Relationship Between Democracy, Public Culture And Media?


  1. Through application and critical thinking, demonstrates understanding of 6 references
  2. Comprehension and application of key concepts, empirical examples and theories


How do political elites use social media platforms to gain power over people? And what is the relationship between democracy, public culture and media?


Social Media & Public Sphere: The impact of new media technologies on democracy


What was the impact of Donald Trump’s use of new media technologies during the 2016 presidential election? Specifically focusing on the contribution of Twitter and the controversial far-right online news platform, Brietbart, as a political weapon to gaining power and influencing public discourse.

WORD LIMIT: minimum 1500- Max 2000 (8 pages MAX)

**NOTE*** I’ve uploaded a rough draft with a working thesis and some main ideas/ possible arguments noted  by all scholars referenced along with page numbers  if it helps.


  1. Michael Meyer-Resende, Social Media & Election Democracy Observation 
  2. Peter DreierAgenda setting, Framing & Opinion Entrepreneurs (ACORN)
  3. Inderjeet Parmar, The Legitimacy Crisis of U.S. Elite & the Rise of Donald Trump
  4. Joshua A. Tucker, From Liberation to Turmoil- Social Media & Democracy 
  5. Croteau-Hoynes, Objectivity News 
  6. Peter Dahlgren, The Internet, Public Spheres, & Political Communication 
  7. Ralph Schroeder, Digital Media & the Rise of Right-Wing Populism 
  8. John Street, 6 Conglomerate Control:Media Moguls and Media Power

** IMPORTANT **  specifically focus on showing an understanding of the main ideas, concepts and/or theories expressed by the last 4 scholars- Hoynes, Dahlgren, Schroeder & Street

Response Structure:

  1. IntroductionBriefly introduce your thesis originating in your research question and topic. Tell the reader why this topic is important to research question and thesis
  2. Bodywill provide a critical analysis of your research topic. Some background information and the context of the research topic is also useful. This usually means a historical and political context of the research topic. You should integrate contributions of scholars research from the six sources. Your engagement with six references should be substantive.
  3. Conclusion/ReflectionYou should provide a brief summary of the paper and the ways in which your paper has provided strong evidence supporting your thesis originating in your research question.


– All quotations need page numbers (limit quotations used by paraphrasing). Try not to use many quotes by paraphrasing to show understanding.

– Reference all scholars you have used and  be consistent with your citation style, be it APA and MLA citation style.

CHECKLIST (at the end of writing process) :

  1.  INTRO
  • Does it address the relationship of media to democracy and political culture?
  • Does it show understanding of it? Does it provide an outline of the essay?
  • Are there clear paragraphs?
  • Does each paragraph address a specific point?
  • Does each help to develop a logical argument?
  • Chronologically structured with topic sentences
  1. APPLICATION : theoretical & empirical information
  • Is there a discussion of key concepts and ideas?
  • Are concepts consistent? Are there any misunderstandings of concepts?
  • Are claims supported with appropriate evidence, e.g.?
  • Uses statistical data, quotations (kept to a minimum – paraphrasing mainly), and examples
  • Does it show familiarity with key debates/literatures?
  • Clarity of argument
  • Is the argument easy to follow?
  • Are there any contradictions?
  • Are there any irrelevancies?
  • Does it restate the main argument?
  • Does it summarize the key points?
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