Respond To Six Posts, 6 – 7 Sentences Each

Respond to two original responses thoroughly in a manner that invites an extension of the conversation. In other words, “I totally agree with you” is NOT a sufficient response. Each peer response should be approximately 6 – 7 sentences, or a paragraph in length. Response needs strong structure and a logical flow. You don’t need to answer the original questions.

Part A

Original Questions

1. Find a current commercial or ad and provide the link so your classmates can view it (this can be a commercial – provide the link, or a print ad – post a photo).  Or you may describe the ad. 2. Explain which persuasive strategy you think is being used (famous person testimonial, plain-folks pitch, snob-appeal approach, bandwagon effect, hidden-fear appeal, irritation advertising). 3. Discuss whether or not you think this commercial or ad is effective. Why?

Student A’s post This ad is a perfect example of ‘Plain Folks Appeal’ persuasive strategy. The whole point of this strategy is to use a common, ordinary person to sell something. Sometimes, people do not trust celebrities in advertisements, because in reality, celebrities are not very personable or relatable. When you use an ordinary person that is just “one of us”, people can relate to them. The idea of this approach is to use real people. People in the government tend to use this a lot too. They’ll open a speech by saying “I am just an ordinary citizen of this country who aspires to make a difference.”
 In ‘Plain Folks Appeal’ you are trying to be one “of the audience”. You’re trying to convince the public so that they will trust you and you can gain their trust. In my eyes, it is way more effective to use plain folk on the ad than a famous person. I think a lot of people can agree with the fact that famous people are not relatable. So when you see a busy mom trying to balance her life, as we see on the add, it is more relatable than if a celebrity would replace her. An ad that shows a common family sitting down to have lunch and enjoying their product is more relatable than using a celebrity that is rich and can probably pay people to mouth feed them. Because people obviously assume that celebrities do not have a hard time, and they do not have to balance all of these activities. HOW WOULD THEY KNOW? right. This method is very popular in political ads like I had stated before. Take a look at the “Family Strong” ad from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Student B’s post

1. The current commercial/ad I decided to use for this discussion is the most recent surfaced ad of Kendall Jenner promoting Proactive. XXXX-107383&dclid=&gclid=CjwKCAiAyrXiBRAjEiwATI95mY0- mOplvr4iOzXmiUTroDHOBGoNIZmF8etSdS0TPs9imCDUcgtAjhoC0aAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc =aw.ds



2. I believe that the persuasive strategy that is being used in this ad is the famous person testimonial. I think that the ad is using the famous person testimonial because one of the biggest models Kendall Jenner is promoting the products of proactive in the ad.  3. I think that this commercial/ad is effective in the way of increasing proactive sales because of course, anyone who sees what Kendall Jenner uses for her skin regimen is going to buy it without questions asked. Therefore, having Kendall Jenner said she uses proactive and it was the life-changing product that transformed her skin is going to increase sales at proactive. She is now the face of Proactive as you see when you open the link I provided above. She has become an ambassador for the company which means she promotes their products and she is paid in return. Although, I believe that this is false advertisement, as well as many others, believe so in the media too. When this ad/ commercial surfaced the internet it faced a bit of controversy due to the fact that Kendall’s mother was teasing the internet before it was released. Mother, Kris Jenner was teasing the internet by saying days prior that Kendall had a major announcement for everyone and it is such an amazing thing that she will be releasing. Although, when the day came and the ad/commercial was released via social media on Kendalls’ account that is when the controversy began. Kendall was not taken seriously due to the fact that she was promoting a company Proactive in which many do not believe in fact she truly uses as her skin regimen. I too do not believe the ad/commercial because this woman is one of the top models in America it is hard to believe that she does not use another high- end product to achieve the flawless skin she has. It is a great move on the companies part to have her as an ambassador although, on the other hand, Kendall is receiving backlash for promoting this company without factual evidence that she truly uses this product and it cleared her acne problems.

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