PHED 1164 – Physical Education Research Paper, Due 5/5

Core Objective Obesity Research Paper Instructions

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on OBESITY IN and possible solutions and AMERICA-statistics. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length (1-2 pages double-spaced, risks not more than 500 words), in 12-point, Times New Roman type, and meet the following minimum objectives:


1) provide a review, reflection, and response to the topic, which should involve learning from your readings and personal research, self-assessments, class activities; and/or any other engagement with the web links and other materials in this class;

2) provide an assessment of how you think obesity may have affected you, someone you know, or society in general, and how you can apply your present knowledge of the health risks associated with obesity; and,

3) provide some advice relating to this general topic of obesity that you might give yourself or others regarding the benefits of a proactive approach to a healthy lifestyle

4) cite a minimum of two written sources outside of the class material. Here’s a good link to help in citing your sources

Submit a WORD document with the above title on the top) ……..This assignment is worth 15 points. Points will be deducted for grammatical errors, spelling and word count minimum or maximum not being fulfilled.


Grading Rubric for Obesity Research Paper

Your 250-500 word research paper on “Obesity in America” will be graded using the following Grading Rubric.

Score and Criteria

Score: 9 – 10 points Criteria: Research paper demonstrates complete understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is clearly stated, complex and original, and the writing does not spend excessive time on any one point of development at the expense of developing other points in the body of the paper. Writing is also error-free, without ambiguity, and reads smoothly, creatively, and with a purpose.

Score: 7- 8 points Criteria: Research paper demonstrates considerable understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is stated, verges on the complex and original, and the writing shows accuracy and balance in developing body points, but may exhibit occasional weaknesses and lapses in correctness. Writing also has some errors and ambiguities, yet does read clearly and coherently.


Score: 4 – 6 points Criteria: Research paper demonstrates some understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is faintly stated and/or expected and not confident, and the writing is inconsistent in terms of balance in developing body points, and exhibits weaknesses and lapses in correctness. Writing also has many errors and ambiguities, and may read confusingly and incoherently.

Score: 1 – 3 points Criteria: Research paper demonstrates limited understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is simplistic, unoriginal, and/or not present at all, and the writing is unbalanced in developing body points, weak, and incomplete. Writing also has numerous errors and ambiguities, and reads confusingly and incoherently.

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