Information Technology Project

IT Infrastructure Project Phase 1 Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels of Achievement

Content 70% Advanced 90-100% Proficient 70-89% Developing 1-69% Not present

Introduction and


18 to 20 points

The introduction is succinct and

embodies the project’s primary

objectives and outcomes. The

introduction constructs the purpose

of the system. A compelling and

justifiable conclusion is developed

that supports the key outcomes,

managerial implications, and

limitations of the design. More

than 5 scholarly sources and 500

words combined.

17 points

The introduction and conclusion are

succinct and embody most of the

project’s primary objectives and

outcomes, and/or the introduction

constructs an unclear purpose of the

system and/or a justified conclusion

is developed that supports the key

outcomes, managerial implications,

and limitations of the design.

Minimum of 5 scholarly sources

and 500 words.

1 to 16 points

The introduction and/or conclusion are

generalized and embody some of the

project’s primary objectives,

managerial implications, design

limitations, and outcomes and/or has

less than the minimum of 5 scholarly

sources and 500 words and/or is not



0 points

Substantially unmet or not


Literature review

37 to 40 points

Explanations of the design running

configurations show mastery of

each concept. The review of

literature is related to the primary

problems of the re-design. It

thoroughly addresses system

feasibility, performance, RAS

(reliability, availability,

serviceability), security, and

disaster recovery. Premier

scholarly journal articles support

the design by comparing,

contrasting, and outlining proper

standards and objective research

results necessary to improve the

system. Over 1,000 words and 10

unique scholarly journal articles

that are relevant to the

infrastructure model. Router and

switch running configurations

included in appendices.

34 to 36 points

Explanations of the design running

configurations show comprehension

of each concept. The review of

literature is mostly related to the

primary problems of the re-design

and/or it addresses system

feasibility, performance, RAS

(reliability, availability,

serviceability), security, and disaster

recovery and/or it uses scholarly

journal articles detailing the

research and outcomes of the

research, comparing, contrasting,

and outlining proper standards and

objective research results necessary

to improve the system and/or

includes a minimum of 1,000 words

and/or 8 unique scholarly journal

articles that are relevant to the

infrastructure model. Router and

switch running configurations

included in appendices.

1 to 33 points

Explanations of the design running

configurations show partial

comprehension of each concept and/or

the review of literature is not directly

related to the primary problems of the

re-design and/or it does not address

system feasibility, performance, RAS

(reliability, availability,

serviceability), security, and disaster

recovery sufficiently and/or it uses

inadequate scholarly journal articles

detailing the research and outcomes of

the research, comparing, contrasting,

and outlining proper standards and

objective research results necessary to

improve the system and/or does not

include a minimum of 1,000 words

and/or 8 unique scholarly journal

articles that are relevant to the

infrastructure model. Router and

switch running configurations

included in appendices.

0 points

Substantially unmet or not

present and/or router and

switch running configurations

not included in appendices



IT Infrastructure Design

74 to 80 points

Excellent architectural design that

is fully functional and properly

addresses security, modularity,

resiliency, and flexibility given

modern industry best practices,

research, and standards for IT

infrastructure. All functionality is

operational that meets each of the

project instruction requirements

including a supported network

design for 1,000+ nodes, IP

addressing, NAT, ISP design,

DNS, DHCP, and web services.

External and internal workstations

can connect to all services

appropriately but are denied access

to services they should not have

access given their role. Proper

networking protocols are

functional and designed properly

for a medium-sized network as

defined by the project instructions.

67 to 73 points

Sufficient architectural design that

is functional and properly addresses

security, modularity, resiliency, and

flexibility given modern industry

best practices, research, and

standards for IT infrastructure

and/or over 80% of the required

functionality is operational that

meets each of the project instruction

requirements including a supported

network design for 1,000+ nodes, IP

addressing, NAT, ISP design, DNS,

DHCP, and web services. External

and internal workstations can

connect to over 80% of the required

services appropriately but are

denied access to services they

should not have access given their

role. Proper networking protocols

are functional and designed properly

for a medium-sized network as

defined by the project instructions.

1 to 66 points

Architectural design that is partially

functional and/or partially addresses

security, modularity, resiliency, and

flexibility given modern industry best

practices, research, and standards for

IT infrastructure and/or less than 80%

of the required functionality is

operational that meets each of the

project instruction requirements

including a supported network design

for 1,000+ nodes, IP addressing, NAT,

ISP design, DNS, DHCP, and web

services and/or external and internal

workstations can connect to less than

80% of the required services

appropriately and/or are not denied

access to services they should not

have access given their role and/or

proper networking protocols are

partially functional and/or not

designed properly for a medium-sized

network as defined by the project


0 points

Substantially not working or

not present and/or working lab

not included

Structure 30% Advanced 90-100% Proficient 70-89% Developing 1-69% Not present

APA, Grammar, and


18 to 20 points

Properly formatted APA paper

with table of contents and

references pages. Correct spelling

and grammar used. Contains fewer

than 2 errors in grammar or

spelling that distract the reader

from the content and/or minimal

errors (1-2) noted in the

interpretation or execution of

proper APA format. Excellent

organization, headings, and flow of

the main concepts exist.

17 points

Paper contains fewer than 5 errors

in grammar or spelling that distract

the reader from the content and/or

some errors (3-7) noted in the

interpretation or execution of proper

APA format and/or inadequate

organization, headings, and flow of

the main concepts exist and/or

notable absences in required APA

formatting elements such as: Title

page, running head, font type and

size (Times New Roman 12 point),

and line spacing.

1 to 16 points

Paper contains fewer than 10 errors in

grammar or spelling that distract the

reader from the content and/or

numerous errors (7+) noted in the

interpretation or execution of proper

APA format and/or inadequate

organization, headings, and flow of

the main concepts exist and/or notable

absences in required APA formatting

elements such as: Title page, running

head, font type and size (Times New

Roman 12 point), and line spacing.

0 points

Paper contains more than 10

errors in grammar or spelling

that distract the reader from

the content and/or numerous

errors (10+) noted in the

interpretation or execution of

proper APA format and/or

inadequate organization,

headings, and flow of the main

concepts exist.

Requirements 37 to 40 points

Each scenario and design

improvement is operational and

includes the correct solutions.

Working lab addresses each of the

34 to 36 points

Each scenario and design

improvement is operational and

includes within 10% of the correct

solutions. Working lab addresses

1 to 33 points

The scenarios and/or design

improvements are not completely

operational and/or are not within 10%

of the correct solutions and/or less

0 points

Substantially unmet or not

present and/or working lab not

included and/or router and



project requirements and is fully

functional. Over 2,000 words exist

of original student authorship that

shows excellent mastery and

knowledge of IT infrastructure

design. Over 10 unique scholarly

peer reviewed journal articles from

well-respected IT journals exist

that directly relate to and

sufficiently support the working

designs and scenarios.

each of the project requirements and

is functional. 2,000 words exist of

original student authorship that

shows mastery and knowledge of IT

infrastructure design. 10 unique

scholarly peer reviewed journal

articles from well-respected IT

journals exist that relate to and

sufficiently support the working

designs and scenarios.

than 80% of the lab requirements are

functional and/or there are less than

2,000 words of original student

authorship that shows mastery and

knowledge of IT infrastructure design

and/or there are less than 10 unique

scholarly peer reviewed journal

articles from well-respected IT

journals that relate to and sufficiently

support working designs and


switch running configurations

not included

Total Points

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