Java Graded Projects And One Program

1.Solve graded projects of pages 133-139, 165-168 and 195-200 of file 402943.pdf

2.Graded project of other file final graded project.pdf

3.This program:(you can take help for it at

Write an application named UseLoan that uses an abstract class named PersonalLoan and subclasses to display two different types of loans -home and car- and the cost per month for each. Each of the subclasses contains a constructor that sets the cost per month based on the loan type, after prompting the user for at least one data-entry item that is used in the cost-determining decision. (For example, with a car loan, you might ask the age of the car, or whether it is a sports car.) Include an abstract toString() method in the PersonalLoan class that constructs a String containing all the relevant data. Prompt the user for the type of insurance, and then create and display the appropriate object. Save the files as,,, and


total 4 graded projects and one program

Price is final…and i want work asap… (do not ask me to raise the price)

Deliverables are mentioned in the graded projects

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