Analyzing Global Cyber Strategies

Analyzing Global Cyber Strategies

(Analyzing Global Cyber Strategies)

3 essay questions on cyber operations

CYBER questions

You need to answer all three questions.

Answer each question to the best of your ability. Your answers should build on what we have read and discussed over the course of the semester.

Outside sources are of significantly less importance than demonstrating that you read the assigned materials. Outside sources should primarily be used for case or example illustration (Why? Because I am testing what you learned in this class not outside of it and the only way to demonstrate this is by showing you read the assigned readings and can apply them in an argument).

What will you be graded on?

§Your ability to synthesize course readings into a meaningful and well argued position

§Your argument structure – What are you arguing (Introduction/thesis), support and opposition for that argument (Body), and what you argued in a nutshell (Conclusion) PLEASE HIGHLIGHT


The questions may be seen below.


Please describe the differences between U.S., Russian and Chinese cyber strategies. Be sure to specifically draw on issues related to CNA (CA) and CNE (CE) and other issues discussed throughout the course. Also discuss the evolution of cyber war in the context of these three adversaries. (You must use information from the assigned readings in support of your answers. This demonstrates that you have read and understood the material. You may also bring in outside sources for example illustration). Which strategy is more effective? Is the US developing the right capabilities to compete?


You have learned alot over the course of the semester, now it is time to give your opinion. Using support from the readings assigned please state your case for or against documented NSA activities in cyberspace over the last 4 years. Be sure to draw on national needs as well as the concerns of average citizens. How do the NSA revelations affect the FBI-Apple case of 2016? Discuss issues associated with cyber sovereignty, governance, human rights, and the needs of nations to maintain national security. Focus on the readings and attached videos. You can bring in outside materials. (You must use information from the assigned readings in support of your answers. This demonstrates that you have read and understood the material. You may also bring in outside sources. Below are resources to examine and use in developing your argument.)………


In the mid-term exam you were asked to develop a concept for a cyber attack, now that we are at the end of the course I want you to give me a 3-10 paragraph detailed plan for either an OCO or CE program to achieve a specific objective of benefit to the United States. Describe the who, what, where, why, when and how of the attack. Convince me of its legality, its technical feasibility, and its probability of success.

Make sure you include the following elements.

Who are we attacking?

Why are we attacking them?

What resources are needed? (Human, Technical, etc.)

Where are we attacking them? (Location, system, etc.)

How are we attacking them? (DDoS, Trojans, Virus, combination) Are we achieving a first or second order effect or something else?

Further, convince me as a commander that you can be a cyber operation planner. Have fun with this essay question. You are using this to demonstrate a range of knowledge and depth that you have gained over the course of the semester. You have learned the history, the concepts, the problems of various attacks and much more, use it all!

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