answer questions 120

Read Articles: To Fight Illegal Fishing, and Forensic DNA Gets Local Oceana Reveals Mislabeling of America’s Favorite Fish:

and then answer these questions and if you did not find them in the article you may search them, upon the use of any resource Cite them and reference them :

  • What percentage of salmon samples did Oceana find to be mislabeled? Why is this of concern?
  • What are some examples of fish fraud? How widespread is the problem?
  • How can genetic analysis be used to combat fish fraud?
  • What procedure/technique will you be using in lab to analyze fish protein profiles?
  • What is the purpose of adding the sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) to the protein samples and the buffer?
  • List at least three different types of information about organisms that would be useful for determining differences between species:

answer each individually do not combine ,

Thank you

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