

A NT H R O 10 1 ES SA Y IN ST R UC T ION S __________________________________________________________________________________________

Essay Prompt: Refute the notion of race as a biological category applicable to humans __________________________________________________________________________________________

An assignment link is set up on Canvas for you to submit your essay. The assignment link takes you directly into our class page for, so you don’t need to create an account and you don’t need a class ID or password.

 You must submit a properly formatted essay that includes in text citations and a reference page.

 You must use APA formatting for your essay (APA formatting resources are provided for you).

You should upload your essay a few days before the deadline, because if detects any plagiarism or other issues, you can fix your mistakes and then re-upload your essay before the deadline expires. (If you need to make changes and then re-submit your essay, that will completely replace your previous submission.)

• Submit your essay no later than a few days before the deadline (you may submit as early as you like).

• Log back in afterwards and check your originality report (any plagiarized material will be highlighted).

▪ If plagiarized material is detected, remove and replace it with your own words and resubmit your essay.

▪ Make sure that you have uploaded a properly formatted (APA) essay with a reference page.

▪ There should be at least 3 articles listed in your bibliography (that you read for your literature review).

In order to successfully complete this assignment, you must follow these instructions:

Complete your literature review before attempting to write your essay!!! Literature review – For your research, you must read at least three (3) of the peer reviewed scientific articles provided to you on our class Canvas page – also included under the Essay Instructions folder. You may also look up peer reviewed scientific articles via the campus library. You must conduct an appropriate academic literature review in order to gain adequate knowledge of the topic. You are required to read at least three (3) articles for your literature review, but you can read more if you choose. Don’t search for articles on the Internet! You may only use peer reviewed scientific articles published in scholarly journals. DO NOT USE INFORMATION FROM THE INTERNET!!! NO WIKIPEDIA!!! If you need assistance writing your paper: • A scientific writing guide is also posted for you on Canvas under the Essay Instructions folder. • If you need help with the structure of your essay and in-text citations, work with a writing tutor. If you need assistance with APA formatting:

• APA formatting resources are included under the Essay Instructions folder and APA formatting links can be found within the module for this assignment.





Paper Formatting:

 Cover page and headers are not required (you may include them if you use a formatting template).

 Your paper should be typed double-spaced, using a clear font, no larger than 12pt.

 Your paper should be two (2) full pages minimum and three (3) full pages maximum. Essay structure:

• Your essay must include all the required components: introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion – and a reference page (bibliography).

• You must write an original essay (ENTIRELY IN YOUR OWN WORDS) containing your own objective perspectives on the topic, making references to factual information (written in your own words) that you learned from the three articles you read for your literature review.

• Include in-text citations to identify for your readers what specific literature sources your statements are based on. Your essay should have adequate and properly formatted in-text citations throughout. (If you need help with in-text citations, you must work with a writing tutor!)

• Do NOT plagiarize! Your essay must be entirely in your own words. Plagiarism will result in a zero grade for this assignment, which will detrimentally impact your overall grade for the course.

• Please note that excessive use of quotations (too many quotes) in your paper is considered to be a form of plagiarism. *This is a short essay, so you don’t include more than 2 one-sentence quotes.

• Be very specific with your sentences and do not make vague statements. Do not leave the reader guessing or requiring clarification as to what you are saying.

• Do not use incomplete or run-on sentences and be sure that your paragraphs flow properly. Introduction:

Your introduction will be one or two paragraphs long and will tell the reader:

• The subject or topic of the essay (a brief and concise introduction to the topic).

• In a science essay, the topic will often constitute an unresolved problem.

• Don’t write random statements. Everything you write must be attributed to a source from your literature review and you must cite all sources of information that your statements are based on!

Thesis statement:

Your thesis statement is a rational, objective, and well-informed statement about the topic that directly addresses the prompt. Be very specific and concise. Your thesis statement should be one sentence. Underline your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your first paragraph (introduction paragraph).

Your essay should be constructed around your thesis statement.* You should begin with a clear and concise (one sentence) thesis statement and build the rest of your essay around it. This is an example of a good thesis statement that directly addresses the prompt: Science proves that human “races” do not exist, yet people ignorantly still believe they do.





The body of your essay will usually incorporate these elements:

1) A background to the problem at issue. Your background will incorporate a (brief) literature review of each of the existing perspectives addressing the problem.

2) The main points and rationale of your own argument supported by factual references. You must have adequate in text citations throughout your paper, but do not over-cite material into your essay (i.e., do not incorporate more than two sentences of direct quotes).

3) Completely and adequately address and support your thesis statement. Do not leave the reader requiring further clarification of the points you are making or guessing as to what particular aspects of the topic you are referring to.

A good essay body closely addresses and adequately supports the thesis statement. The number one error in undergraduate essays is not completely addressing and adequately supporting the thesis statement. The body of your essay must adequately address and support your thesis statement without being tangential. Conclusion:

Your conclusion should be a paragraph summarizing the essential points of your argument and clearly stating your conclusions. The golden rule of conclusion writing is not to include any material that has not been discussed in the body (i.e., don’t introduce any new information). Do not repeat information or state the exact same sentences you included earlier in your paper. Science essays are different from non-scientific critical writing, and your reader should not be kept in suspense about your conclusions. Spell out your conclusions as soon as possible in the interests of clarity and to help your reader evaluate the strength of your argument. At the very least you should be able to clearly indicate the perspective that you are supporting. Reference Page (Bibliography):

At the end of your essay you must include a properly formatted (APA) reference page, which lists the articles, books, etc., that you read/viewed for your literature review. Your reference page must be on its own separate page, placed at the end of your essay. You may title it: “References,” “References Cited,” or “Bibliography.” The reference list must be in proper APA format. The specific format of each reference included in your list is different, depending on what type of source it comes from (e.g., journal article, textbook, documentary, etc.). Your reference page must include a minimum of 3 peer reviewed scholarly articles you read for your literature review. (You may include additional articles.)

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