assignment 783


  • Apply the statutory language to the following scenario:

    As you are traveling down a road without a shoulder or bicycle lane enjoying the summer sunshine you recognize the following scenario. A bicycle is approximately one block from a signal controlled intersection. The bicyclist is riding along the right side of the right lane closest to the curb, you notice a red pick-up approaching the bicyclist from the rear, and even though the left lane is open, the pick-up stays in the right lane no more that 18 inches away from the bicyclist as the pick-up passes it. The pick-up slows and comes to a stop in the right lane at the intersection at a red light, however as the bicyclist approaches the stopped pick-up, the bicyclist continues on the right, passing the pick-up, slows briefly at the intersection clearing traffic and continues through the intersection straight ahead through the red light.

    Your written answer should:

    • state whether the incident should be charged as a violation of statute.
    • provide a brief explanation/rationale for your choice.
    • include the full statute code including subdivision


  • Apply the statutory language to the following scenario:

    You are cruising along on the interstate at a smooth posted 60 mph limit and 45 mph minimum in the middle of the day, just minding your own business. It is raining a little bit so you have your windshield wipers on. Slowing for traffic ahead you notice a vehicle in the right lane creeping along at maybe 30 mph really messing-up traffic. You move in behind and take note of the 1965 rusted pick-up and its valid license plate. There is 2×4 lumber slowing this vehicle down and it is extending 4 feet out of the back and there are no lights on to the rear. As you come alongside the vehicle you notice that the pick-up doesn’t have any headlights on either, you slow and move in behind the vehicle.

    Your written answer should:

  • 1. Your written answer should:
    · state whether the incident should be charged as a violation of statute.
    · provide a brief explanation/rationale for your choice.
    · include the full statute code including subdivision.


  • Apply the statutory language to the following scenario:

    As you are patrolling your area you see the following driving conduct. A white Toyota Prius is in the right lane closest to the curb traveling at the speed limit. It is approaching an uncontrolled intersection which has a crosswalk crossing all lanes. As the driver approaches the interesection you notice that the driver doesn’t have their seatbelt on. Suddenly, a pedestrian who is on their cell phone steps into the crosswalk and start crossing the intersection, not even glancing in the direction of the Prius. The Prius applies the brake (you notice only one brakelight) and steers to the right narrowly missing the pedestrian, however it came to a stop where the pedestrian was standing previously.

    Your written answer should:

  • · state whether the incident should be charged as a violation of statute.
    · provide a brief explanation/rationale for your choice.
    · include the full statute code including subdivision.


  • Apply the statutory language to the following scenario:

    You are traveling at the posted speed limit of 55 mph approaching a T-intersection and are planning on continuing through the intersection straight ahead. You are familiar with the intersection and note that there is not a stop sign for the roadway that is approaching 90 degrees from your right. As you nearly enter the intersection the vehicle continues and makes a right turn just in front of you causing you to rapidly apply brake and steer slight left to avoid impact. You have to take a calming breath before making this traffic stop. As you pull back in behind the vehicle you notice a small set of eyes peering at you through the back window with their toddler like arms on the back of the rear seat.

    Your written answer should:

  • · state whether the incident should be charged as a violation of statute.
    · provide a brief explanation/rationale for your choice.
    · include the full statute code including subdivision.

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