Assignment: Supporting Grief And Loss

For the Assignment, you will create a support group for one of the following populations: breast cancer survivor, loss of infant, new widow, child who lost a sibling, or another population as approved by your instructor. You will create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation in which you will explain the type of group (family, multi-group, etc.) you will be designing. The presentation must include at least 5-7 academic references to support the planning and 3-5 good resources you would pass on to group members.  Record your presentation using the Personal Capture function of Kaltura.

By Day 7

Submit a 5-7 minute recorded PPT presentation which includes the following:

· Explanation of important principles related to grief and loss and how these were taken into account when designing the group

· Description of the structure and function of the group you planned

· Explanation of how diversity and culture was taken into account when developing this group

· Explanation of how you would engage the group members

· Explanation of how you would assess functioning and dynamics

· Explanation of intervention that would be provided in the group, including reasons for sharing the 3-5 recommended resources for the group.

· Explanation of how you would evaluate group outcomes

· References

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