Assignment2: Evaluation Related Issues

Assignment 2: Discussion—Evaluation-Related Issues: Aiden’s Case

(Assignment2: Evaluation Related Issues)

In Aiden’s case, several evaluation-related issues may arise. Firstly, there might be a lack of clarity regarding the purpose and criteria of evaluation. Without clearly defined objectives, assessing Aiden’s performance could be subjective and inconsistent.

Secondly, there could be biases influencing the evaluation process. Aiden’s manager or peers might have preconceived notions or personal preferences that affect their judgment, leading to unfair assessments.

Additionally, the evaluation methods employed may not be appropriate or comprehensive enough to capture Aiden’s true capabilities and contributions. If the assessment tools are outdated or insufficiently robust, they may fail to provide an accurate representation of Aiden’s performance.

Furthermore, there might be a lack of transparency and feedback in the evaluation process. Without open communication and constructive feedback, Aiden may not fully understand the basis of the evaluation or how to improve.

Overall, addressing these evaluation-related issues is crucial for ensuring fairness, accuracy, and effectiveness in assessing Aiden’s performance and fostering his professional development.

(Assignment2: Evaluation Related Issues)

Approaching the issue of whether a child might have an exceptionality can be sensitive. In addition to the emotional reaction of parents, it is important to consider legal and ethical obligations when determining whether to evaluate a child.

Review the following scenario:

Aiden Keller is a fourth grader. Since he enrolled in kindergarten, teachers have been concerned that Aiden seems to struggle more than the other children do, academically and behaviorally. Despite his teacher’s academic and behavioral interventions, Aiden continues to be easily frustrated, talks out of turn, and often refuses to work in class. In addition to falling behind academically, Aiden’s behavior is beginning to affect his relationships with peers.
Aiden’s parents were invited to attend a meeting with his teacher, school counselor, and assistant principal. The school professionals expressed their desire to make a referral for an evaluation to determine whether Aiden has a disability that requires special education support. Although the Kellers have known about Aiden’s problems and experience similar challenges at home, they are worried about their son being “labeled” and placed in special classes.
The Kellers’ concerns are valid and certainly not uncommon.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research evaluation-related issues.

Then, imagine you are sitting with Aiden’s parents to discuss their concerns about evaluating their son. Incorporate what you learned in your readings and respond to the following:

  • Explain how you would address the following to help the parents make an educated decision by describing the following:
    • The benefits of evaluation
    • The long-term impact on their son of not performing the evaluation
    • The legal and ethical issues
  • If Aiden was your child, what would persuade you to allow the evaluation?

Write your initial response in 500–600 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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