Entries by Stephen

Drug Use & Abuse2.

Drug Use & Abuse2. (Drug Use & Abuse2.) 1.COLLAPSE Organization/Program Prescription Abuse Task Force (PATF), is located in San Diego, California. Specifically focusing on the East region in Poway and Santee street. PATF was initially known as the Oxy task force due to the high volume of OxyContin abuse. However, the city started to notice […]


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Incivility in Workplace Paper

Incivility in Workplace Paper, English homework help (Incivility in Workplace Paper) Question description TitleIncivility in the Workplace Paper For this assignment, you will write a 4-5 page APA Style formatted paper on incivility within the healthcare metaparadigm. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA): Nurses are required to create an ethical environment and culture of […]


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Psychological Disorder Paper

Psychological Disorder Paper (Psychological Disorder Paper) Anxiety Disorders: An Overview Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent psychological disorders, affecting millions worldwide. Characterized by excessive fear, worry, and related behavioral disturbances, anxiety disorders can significantly impair daily functioning. The main types include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. GAD […]


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Reliability And Validity

Reliability And Validity Reliability and validity are fundamental concepts in research, critical for ensuring the integrity and applicability of study findings. Reliability refers to the consistency or stability of a measure. A reliable measure produces similar results under consistent conditions. For instance, a reliable psychological test will yield the same results when administered to the […]


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Analyzing Child Abuse Solutions

Analyzing Child Abuse Solutions (Analyzing Child Abuse Solutions) Psychology  Your introduction should be roughly one page and will introduce your reader to your topic. Discuss a current event or a real-world problem that you think needs to be addressed. Be sure to identify which specific area of psychology the issue is related to, using key […]


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Prenatal Assessment and Reporting

Prenatal Assessment and Reporting (Prenatal Assessment and Reporting) Prenatal Write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper (not including cover sheet or reference page) utilizing a minimum of three resources based on the case scenario below. You may opt to do a power point presentation or Prezi with a minimum of 10 – 15 slides (not […]


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Well Child Assessment2

Well Child Assessment2 (Well Child Assessment2) Question description I need this essay to be rewritten; however, same format. The Child Development Assessment Revised 3 (4). docx (Well Child Assessment2) Child’s initials: A. J., male, caucasian Age: 11 Born: December 21st 57 inches tall, 78 lbs 3 siblings: 23 year old half brother, 21 year old […]


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Attribution Theory and Performance.

Attribution Theory and Performance. (Attribution Theory and Performance.) Prior to beginning this assignment, be sure to read Chapter 4: Cognition, Learning, and the Environment, and read the article “Extending Attribution Theory: Considering Students’ Perceived Control of the Attribution Process”, the Instructor Guidance, and view the following website The Critical Thinking Community (Links to an external site.)Links […]


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Final Quality Healthcare

Final Quality Healthcare (Final Quality Healthcare) For your final Portfolio Project, you will write a paper detailing a risk management plan based on the following case study scenario. Your goal is to identify areas of risk and healthcare/medical error, and to safeguard future patients from having their safety compromised in a manner similar to what […]


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Strength & Weakness of EBPH

Discussion—Strength and Weakness of the EBPH in Defining a Public Health Problem (Strength & Weakness of EBPH) Based on the readings assigned and suggested for this week and a review of the seven-stage, sequential framework to promote greater use of EBPH, do the following: The application of evidence-based principles to a public health issue demands […]


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