Entries by Stephen

internet data analysis for business essay 3

This week, you will be responsible for creating a Pay-per-Click (PPC) Plan of 4–5 pages. For this portion of the e-Business Plan, you must include the following: Create a description of the 3 types of searches that will be used in your PPC plan. Describe the PPC campaign that you recommend for the case study […]


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analysis essay writing

1) Describe how the “beauty myth” creates an identity in women that affects their role as a worker/member of society, a family member, and a sexual partner? First, after viewing the film ( Real Women Have Curves) develop your main point (thesis) in answering this question. State your thesis clearly in your opening paragraph. Then […]


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fair trial or paradise lost

Read the synopsis of the Paradise Lost video. Write a 1-2 page paper identifying a minimum of three issues in ensuring a fair trial to the three defendants in the paradise lost documentary once the media began coverage of the investigation. Conclude your paper with an evaluation of how much impact media had on this […]


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for this assignment you will create a matrix that explains leadership theories

As a leader, you often need to display or clarify a concept. A matrix is a grid that contains information and offers a visual model of ideas. For this assignment, you will create a matrix that explains leadership theories. Research the following five leadership theories and include these in your matrix (use the matrix template […]


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500 750 word paper that analyzes the chilean mine rescue

Review the article, “Leadership Lessons From the Chilean Mine Rescue.” Write a 500-750 word paper that analyzes the Chilean mine rescue. As a leader, you will be faced with responding immediately to solve issues. The Chilean mine rescue is an example of leadership under extreme circumstances. Reflect on this example to shape how you might […]


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application paper on amnesia or nature vs nurture controversy

For this week’s Assignment, you write a paper on one of the three topics listed below. The first two topics deal with different types and causes of amnesia. The last topic involves analyzing the nature versus nurture controversy and proposing one resolution to this debate. The Assignment: Select one of the following topics and write […]


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4 essay discussion questions

The essays should address every aspect of the question, be at least 250 words and be single-spaced except in between terms. In the exam Word document, provide answers and highlight them to distinguish them from the essays. Your work should single-spaced (except in between essays) and at least 250 words for each. If you can […]


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art history museum analysis

Write a 500 word document of your impressions and analysis of the exhibition or mural ————————- 1.American Art galleries (Arts of the Americas)on the 2nd floor, at the Cantor Center , Stanford University (for directions and information see link https://museum.stanford.edu/ Write about your experience in the galleries. —————————– 2.The Japanese American Museum in San Jose […]


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assignment data analysis report

In a short paper of between 400-500 words, include the following: State your variables and hypotheses. Describe in detail what data analysis techniques would be appropriate to apply to your proposed study and justify why they are appropriate. Be specific and include the appropriate statistical tests. Explain why these are appropriate for your study. Refer […]


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cultures and fundamental attribution error 1

Details: In 500-750 words, Define the social self and how it is developed. Define individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Define the fundamental attribution error. Discuss how culture is most likely to make the fundamental attribution error and why. Include the role this plays in the development of the social self. Use three to five scholarly resources. […]


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