Battleship Java Program


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This assignment is to develop a User Interface using classes from the javax.swing package.


Tasks and Rubric

userInterface package Add an import for

1.     core.BattleshipClient

2.     core.Ship

  Create an ActionListener for the Deploy Ships button that does the following:

1.     Disables the UI components on the JPanel with ship selection options

2.     Add a JPanel to the right of Player One’s button board with a JTextArea for displaying the game status to the user

3.     Add a JPanel to the right of the game status with Player Two’s button board

4.     Call the play() method in class BattleshipClient

  In the ActionListener for the Game Menu set the player mode based on what the user selected, the options are:

Player versus Player

Player versus Computer

Computer versus Computer

Example code:

if(e.getActionCommand().equals(“Player vs. Player”))

{                players[Constants.PLAYER_ONE].setPlayMode(Constants.HUMAN);                players[Constants.PLAYER_TWO].setPlayMode(Constants.HUMAN);

} Add a class member to store the player’s mode, human or computer; create getter/setter for the class member
  Create a method that will automatically layout the ships for when the player mode is set to computer using the Random class to randomly select the direction and location for the startRowClick and startColumnClick; make sure the auto layout uses null for the color Update the UI so that it reflects the saved data for each Player
core package This class controls the game being played
  Create a custom constructor that takes two parameters, an Array of class Player and class BattleshipUI
  Create a method play() to manage the play between Player One and Player Two; for this iteration only Human versus Computer has to function
  When a JButton has been selected/clicked:

1.     if it is a hit

a.      change the background color to something other than the default gray(i.e. null) and the ship color (e.g.Color.BLACK)

b.     update the object instance so that the number of hits is increased or the hits left is decreased

2.     if it is a miss

a.      change the background color to something other than the default gray (i.e. null), the ship color, or the color used for a hit

  When a ship has 0 (zero) hits left or has taken the max number of hits update the ship so that isSunk = true; notify the user when each of their ships has been sunk
  Whichever player sinks all five opponent’s ships first wins the game!
Compiles Source compiles with no errors
Runs Source runs with no errors
Comments Source includes comments






Figure 1 Initial display



Figure 2 Deployed Ships



Figure 3 Display Game Status and Player Two Panels



Figure 4 Play Between Human and Computer




Figure 5 End of Game


Figure 6 Player Options Dialog Before Player Selection




Figure 7 Player Options Dialog After Player Selection

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