big five personality types 6

“What Is My Big Five Personality Profile?” self-assessment.


Extraversion Score : 7 pts.

6 – 8 pts. Moderate level of personality factor.

Agreeableness Score : 6 pts.

6 – 8 pts. Moderate level of personality factor.

Conscientiousness Score : 7 pts.

6 – 8 pts. Moderate level of personality factor.

Emotional Stability Score : 5 pts.

2 – 5 pts.

Feedback: Low level of personality factor.

Openness to Experience Score : 8 pts.

6 – 8 pts. Moderate level of personality factor.

My highest score was Openness to experience which describes someone that characterizes for being imaginative, have artistic sensitivity, and intellectualism. Next in line with a tie was Extraversion and Conscientiousness. An extrovert personality describes someone that is sociable, talkative, and assertive. However, there are times that i enjoy being completely alone and to find that moment of peace. A Conscientiousness personality describes someone that is responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented. My lowest trait was Emotional stability personality which is someone that characterizes for being calm, enthusiastic, secure, positive. As you all can see, i do have a mix of personalities, and i do believe that your personality can change depends on the environment you are on and how you feel. For example, you can always be enthusiastic about things, or an extrovert, but then you are having financial hardship, or going through a divorce, or illness, then obviously your personality is going to change and it is going to reflect of what you are going through at that particular moment.

Write a minimum 1,050-word (word count excludes cover page, introduction, conclusion, reference page, and citation) paper in which you address the following:

  • Do you agree with the results of your assessment?
  • Based on the results of your assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How might your personality type influence your job performance?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines (introduction, conclusion, citation, and references)

Provide references.

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