BIOS 255 Week 5 Quiz

1. Question. (TCO4): What is the major difference between lymph and interstitial fluid? (Points : 2)

2. Question. (TCO4) Lack of resistance is also known as (Points : 2)

3. Question. (TCO4): Which of the following is an INCORRECT matching of immune system cells and their function? (Points : 2)

4. Question. (TCO4): Which type of allergic reaction is mediated by T cells? (Points : 2)

5. Question. (TCO4): Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the immune system? (Points : 2)

6. Question. 4: Which cells increase the permeability of blood vessels by releasing histamine? (Points : 2)

7. Question: (TCO4) Artificial passive immunity is associated with which of the following? (Points : 2)

8. Question. (TCO4): Which part of the body is drained from the right thoracic duct? (Points : 2)

9. Question: In which part of the thymus are T cells thought to undergo cell death? (Points : 2)

10. Question. 4: Which anti-microbial substances reduce viral replication (in uninfected cells)? (Points : 2)

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