BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning

BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning


Learner Instructions 3

(Monitor and evaluate workforce planning)

Submission details

Students Name  
Student ID  
Assessor’s Name  
Assessment Date/s  

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

This task requires you to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate the implementation of workforce planning.

Assessment description

Using the workforce planning you developed in Assessment Task 1, you will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your workforce planning against your objectives. To perform this task, you will develop an internal survey, and review and analyse performance data.


Workforce planning report

Communications strategy

Risk management and contingency plan

Assessment Task 1

Staffing action plan

Workforce planning presentation


Assessment Task 2

Organisational climate survey

Evaluation report

Assessment Task 3



1. Review the JKL simulated business documents provided by your assessor and the scenario below.

You are an external consultant contracted to develop, implement and review workforce planning at JKL.

You now need to evaluate the implementation of your workforce planning. You will need to review the effects of actual trends in the JKL workforce, review the external environment, survey the workforce and develop an evaluation report for senior management.

2. Using the information provided in Appendix 1, review workforce trends at JKL with regard to exiting employees.

3. Review the external environment for:

a. trends in labour supply that may affect demand

b. review relevant government policy

c. industrial relations and industrial relations legislation, including identification of relevant modern awards, conditions, and rights and responsibilities of workers and management.

4. Develop a survey to gauge organisational climate:

a. worker satisfaction and reasons for satisfaction levels

b. worker intentions to retire, exit, pursue internal and external opportunities and reasons

Note: Design your survey to gather necessary data while protecting privacy and fair treatment of individual employees under relevant company policy and legislation. Include a short statement on the intention of the survey, how the data will be used and how it will be stored.

5. Submit your survey to your assessor. Your assessor will supply organisational climate data.

6. Using information gathered from steps 2 through 5 and your workforce plan strategies and objectives developed in Assessment Task 1 and implemented in Assessment Task 2, review and revise your objectives and strategies.

7. Prepare a report for senior management to:

a. evaluate the internal and external workforce trends and their effect on organisational objectives

b. build support for your recommendations.

Include in your report:

a. An executive summary.

b. A discussion of internal and external data, including:

i. internal labour trends

ii. external supply

iii. government policy

iv. IR and modern awards

v. climate survey results.

c. Evaluation of the effectiveness of workforce planning and change processes against objectives and targets. Use information from Appendix 1 and refer to the objectives and targets you developed and implemented in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2.

d. Recommendations for changes to objectives and strategies to achieve organisational objectives or, if achieved, contribute to continuous improvement. Ensure your recommendations are supported by your discussion of internal and external data.

2. Submit documentation as per specifications below. Please keep copies for your records.


You must provide:

· an organisational climate survey

· an evaluation report.

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

· communication and leadership skills to:

· explain the need for change

· gain senior management support for workforce planning initiatives

· literacy skills to read and write reports and succinct workforce plans

· numeracy skills to work with data and predictions about labour supply information

· analytical skills to review data according to the needs of the organisation

· technology skills to:

· communicate with key stakeholders

· support HR functions, including data collection and managing information according to legislation and organisational policies

· knowledge of current information about external labour supply relevant to the specific industry or skill requirements of the organisation.


Candidate: I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks.  

Signature: ___________________


Date: ____/_____/_____



Appendix 1 – Workforce data

Current HR workforce trends

Turnover FY 2013–14 (29%)

Position Number exits Number staff Reasons for leaving
Senior manager 1 4 1. Retirement

2. Other opportunities

Branch manager 2 6 1. Retirement

2. Other opportunities

Line manager 3 18 1. Lack of opportunity

2. Unhealthy work culture

3. Retirement

Salesforce and customer service 25 80 1. Lack of opportunity

2. Lack of recognition

3. Unhealthy work culture

Mechanic 10 32 1. Better opportunities elsewhere

2. Lack of recognition

3. Unhealthy work culture

Demographics FY 2013–14

Position Number Number women Number Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Senior manager 4 0 0
Branch manager 6 0 0
Line manager 18 2 0
Salesforce 80 70 0
Mechanic 32 3 0

Turnover FY 2014–15 (20%)

Position Number exits Number staff Reasons for leaving
Senior manager 1 4 1. Retirement

2. Other opportunities

Branch manager 2 6 1. Retirement

2. Other opportunities

Line manager 3 12 1. Other opportunities

2. Retirement

Salesforce 15 84 1. Better opportunities

2. Pay

3. Lack of opportunity

Mechanic 8 38 1. Better opportunities elsewhere

2. Personal reasons

Demographics FY 2014–15

Position Number Number women Number Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Senior manager 4 1 0
Branch manager 6 1 0
Line manager 12 2 0
Salesforce 84 73 1
Mechanic 38 5 0
Mechanic’s apprentice 8 3 1

Workforce planning scorecard FY 2014–15

Objective Targets Result
Provide required training to meet workforce needs Deliver training to upskill rental employees See Assessment Task 2 staffing action plan
Recruit Conduct workforce planning thru FY 2016–17 See Assessment Task 1 report
  Complete implementation of staff planning for FY 2014–15 See Assessment Task 2
  Conduct skills audits and needs analysis for all roles to be filled by recruitment strategy Completed
  Ensure all critical roles are filled to meet revenue targets See Assessment Task 2 staffing action plan
Become an Employer of Choice Provide personal development plans for all employees 60% completed
  Retain managerial talent through rewards, promotion and training See Assessment Task 2 staffing action plan
Manage performance and adherence to organisational values Complete twice-yearly performance reviews 75% managers compliant
  Communicate organisational values and code of conduct 80% employees and managers state they are aware of values and code
  Build culture of excellence: eliminate discrimination and promote diversity in workforce Hiring practices reviewed

Manager training completed

  Promote levels of diversity in workplace proportional to percentage of population Aboriginal representation in salesforce and mechanics apprenticeships increased from 0 to 1 in each category;

3 of 8 mechanics apprenticeships are women




BSBHRM513 Learner Instructions 3

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